Gorilla Seed Bank - Pending Order Issue - HELP PLS


Hello everyone, I am having an issue with my order I place with Gorilla Seed Bank.

I mailed in my cash payment on June 8, 2015. I receive confirmation they received my cash payment on June 15, 2015. (Below is a screenshot of the email)

I assume everything is fine and they will process my order and there is nothing else I need to do on my end when I receive this email. (Below)

Now in this email you can imagine I did not like what I read. The above email looks to be some sort of trick to get me to pick something I do not want because what I want "Skywalker Kush" is not in stock. From what I can tell that is NOT a upgrade. But if they don't have my strain I ordered in stock why not directly tell me.

Screenshot of their website which has been dramatically changed to remove the navigation menu so you can only see the strains they have on the front page. No more seed breeders and choices to select from them.

Now with all that said it has been around 3-4 business days since I have sent an email asking about the status of my order. Gavin and or Sherry have logged into the forum and have replied to someones thread but they have not read their PM's so far, my inbox says my message has yet to be read by them.

I also sent a text to the phone number Gavin just posted on a popular forum a day ago. I also sent PM's on this forum, I have sent an email to Gavin. I have also posted on a thread in this forum and another popular forum. I have even called the phone number Gavin posted and no one answered.

I'm not trying to say anything bad about Gorilla Seed Bank but I really need someone to help me resolve my pending order with either a full refund or with a strain of my choosing and I have to be given more options than what I see on the front page because none of those I want. It has been a total of (3) three business days since they sent me the email about the upgrade. Which is not sitting well with me because I felt it was not an upgrade and I feel they are secretly hiding from me what I want is no longer in stock.


Well-Known Member
From Sherry - she'll be online in a few hours.
1. We're looking into why the navigation bar has disappeared. We make changes to the site on a regular basis & bugs sometimes slip through. We apologize for any convenience & have let our programmers know.
2. We have a new process in place that makes upgrade offers a little easier for our newer people. This looks like it's either a training issue or a problem with the new process. I'll take a look at it & see what I need to take back to either the programmers or upper management. Please note that no one is ever obligated to take one of our upgrade offers - simply ignore it or reply & say thanks, but no thanks.
3. Unfortunately, because there is a long delay in payment at times, we can't reserve stock until we receive the payment, and things do go out of stock. From what I understand, upgrades are not supposed to be a substitute for stock issues - however, we have one set of people sending out of stock emails as they try to satisfy your order and another group doing upgrades. Apparently, wires got crossed.
4. I sometimes jump into posts, but I rarely check PMs these days. It gets confusing if all 3 of us are in there. If we didn't get to your PM quickly enough, I'm sorry. We sometimes get dozens of PMs each day & spend quite a bit of time on each one just like we will with your problem. We don't always get through them all in a single day. I'm on a computer right now that blocks me from Grass City - if no one else responds, I will do so personally in a couple hours.
5. I don't live in the UK - I'm in the US, on the East Coast. I'm asleep during prime UK time. Gavin is currently on the West Coast. Steve is in the UK, but is working irregular hours due to some medical issues with the family. Again, I'm sorry we haven't responded to you fast enough - no excuses, just explaining our hours.
6. Gavin answers the US line in chunks of time through the day, but can't man it 24/7. He does return voice mails. However, Gavin was sick earlier in the week, so they rolled the phones back to our UK office. I think he would still get voice mails, but they're not nearly as responsive on the phone as Gavin. We'll look into when you called & why you didn't get a call back. As of last night, Gavin was asking them to roll the calls back to him, but I don't know if that's happened yet.
FInally, I can assure you that no matter what problems our website is having, we're not out of stock of everything. We'll either find the seeds you ordered, replace them with something else of your choice or refund your payment. You're under no obligation to take any kind of upgrade that you don't want. It's something we offer our customers, but it's voluntary - not a bait & switch.

But I think I may have just talked to you on the phone :0)



It looks like I might have misunderstood everything and all is well. I talked to Gavin over the phone and was told my order is in stock and will be shipped out asap. Gavin also apologized for offering me a upgrade that seem to be something I disliked and explained that it was just a complimentary upgrade but had I not responded to the email my order would have normally shipped out like I wanted. As for the website it might have been them updating it and I happened to surf on it while the navigation bar was being updated. I really am much more relieved knowing all is well and it's just me being a little paranoid. Can't blame me though since I had a bad experience getting ripped off by Marc Emery in the late 90's, sent him a MO and got burned for over $400 bucks.

I wanna make it clear that I chose to go with Gorilla Seed Bank because they are the most active seed bank on the forums and felt that was important had something gone wrong with my order and I needed it replaced. By me making this thread I only wanted to get to the bottom of my order and had no bad intentions towards Gorilla Seed Banks. They have done everything for me to believe they are a reputable business and hopefully all goes well with my order so we can continue to do more business in the near future.

So I hope my order shipped out today and I receive it soon to tell everyone I got my beans and Gorilla took care of me. So until then all seems good with Gorilla Seed Bank and please continue to do business with them.

I'll post more details the moment I get my order.

To be continued...

(Both Gavin & Sherry have been extremely helpful and provided a great customer service experience, Sherry on the forum and Gavin over the phone. From someone who has worked and managed a business dedicated to customer service I was impressed to see people still know how to treat their customers and provide an excellent customer service experience.)
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Well-Known Member
Nice, I've always wondered about this seed bank. And being that I just got my own internet I couldn't get on forums. Good to know there customer service is top of the line. I'll be using them in the future


Well-Known Member
[Helpman, post: 11691798, member: 904442"]I wish other seed banks where all like this

so friendly and quick to reply and they even rang ya on the phone about ya order that's unreal now that what I call service.
gorilla seed bank im very impressed not every ones like you folks:blsmoke:

I like the gorilla pic to with the RPG I could use that on a certain seed bank in canada
You refering To bcbd? I wanna know howtgere strains are.


So like I promised here is my update.

Today I received my beans. So all went well with my order at Gorilla. They took care of my like many others before. Please feel confident doing business with them. Can't wait to place another order when I have more money.


Well-Known Member
Gorilla seed bank will not do you wrong.
There a very good company.

Really dumb to make a thread for this when you can and did work it out with Gorilla.
I mean if they had ripped you off or something that's one thing but they did not so now you got people seeing the thread saying "help" seed bank is screwing me.
Think next time for god sakes.
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Well-Known Member
This was all just a big misunderstanding - one of our upgrade offers made indokushog think we were pulling the old bait & switch on him.
Then they broke our home page putting up a change, so that made it look even worse.

It all worked out in the end, so it's all good.

And, guess what?
When people search Google for whether or not we're a scam, they'll find this thread, see we're real people who help our customers when they need it, and they'll feel better about ordering from us.

So, it's still all good.

But, thanks for having our back - it means a lot.



Staff member
Gorilla seed bank will not do you wrong.
There a very good company.

Really dumb to make a thread for this when you can and did work it out with Gorilla.
I mean if they had ripped you off or something that's one thing but they did not so now you got people seeing the thread saying "help" seed bank is screwing me.
Think next time for god sakes.
theres really no need to get mad at him, this was posted june 15th, he made a clear detailed thread with his issues,
gorilla seed bank replied.

he never got upset at them, he just questioned what was up

than he even took the time to update when his order came in.
he even commented that their customer service was good before his issue was resolved.


theres really no need to get mad at him, this was posted june 15th, he made a clear detailed thread with his issues,
gorilla seed bank replied.

he never got upset at them, he just questioned what was up

than he even took the time to update when his order came in.
he even commented that their customer service was good before his issue was resolved.

This was all just a big misunderstanding - one of our upgrade offers made indokushog think we were pulling the old bait & switch on him.
Then they broke our home page putting up a change, so that made it look even worse.

It all worked out in the end, so it's all good.

And, guess what?
When people search Google for whether or not we're a scam, they'll find this thread, see we're real people who help our customers when they need it, and they'll feel better about ordering from us.

So, it's still all good.

But, thanks for having our back - it means a lot.

Thank you for these post's. Written beautifully and makes everything clear.

This thread can be closed if mod wants it to be. I'll delete the photo's in the thread because there is no need for them.

Thanks Gorilla Seed Bank.