goose pool water is some rich stuff, but is it safe for mj?


Active Member
I have two African grey geese and they excrete up to two pounds of poo per day, sounds unbelievable right? They pretty much go anywhere they feel like going and poo constantly, but they use the kiddy pool more often than not. As you can imagine this thing gets ripe, I have been using it to water my hibiscus oleander and crate murtles sorry for spelling.... It does a great job I might add. I am looking for someone who has used this source of fertilizer. Would this constitute as an organic compost tea? Would it sitting brewing in the pool water be considered composting? I also have a horse and compost her manure in piles and a worm bin that gets a scoop of semi composted/fully composted manure (depending on where the shovel hits the pile). So I have several sources of organic compost, but I have no idea how to use these to my advantage, the portions/ratios are also just a guess for me. Right now I grow in coco with coco canna nutes and hydro bubble buckets with canna nutes. I would love to be able to use some of my readily available organic materials in growing next, but are they safe? My worm bin used to be in my grow area until it showed me just HOW BAD fungal gnats can be. It also has thousands of insects and many many unidentifiable mites. I also read that these organisms are all there to feed on dead materials and that they would simply die or move on if those materials were depleted via complete composting. So being that there are so many visible organisms in the worm bin, wouldn't that mean there are millions of invisible ones in my goose pool and the worm bin as well? Organics are very intimidating...

Jim Dunlop

Active Member
Fresh manure sitting in water could be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria (not only for plants but for you!). I'm not sure that would even be considered a manure tea as the manure has not had a chance to break down before going in the water. I would fully compost that goose crap before creating an ACT out of it (and only an aerated tea). There are a lot of drawbacks to anaerobic teas, mainly the fact that there is limited micro-biodiversity.

As long as you have fully composted organic matter, you can add several cups to a 5 gallon bucket, pour some unsulphured molasses in, plug in your air pump and brew some tea no problem.


Active Member
UV that water? I am guessing no way in hell you do ...
Just think about it this way in a round about way. Do you want to eat / drink / smoke that? Because you will. I understand we add poo to our plants. but this .... shit ... is raw. Eww!


Active Member
Lol. I know I know. I don't need to be schooled on how gross it is, haha. I just want to figure some way out of using it. I thought about just pouring it onto fresh compost piles, it would probably add an unpredictable variable into the mix though. It helps my plants on the lawn so much, I just thought maybe someone else had figured some creative way of using this waste to their advantage. Keep in mind all forms of compost were once something gross or unusable. This is just very gross and not many would consider it usable. Haha. Thank you for the responses though.


Active Member
Maybe adding it to your current horse manure or compost pile is the way to go. If your yard likes it, it's probably good,and you can reduce the nastiness through composting.


Active Member
I'm just afraid it might hurt the worms if I put it into the worm bin, it's extremely high in nitrogen, it has a bright green color and all the eat all day long is my st augustine grass. My wife bought them to eat grasshoppers, but I think they went vegan on me or something, they are eating all my plants and even the roots. They dig holes with their beaks carry the water over to the horse trough and eat the exposed roots.


Active Member
upinthemguts-464756-albums-geese-picture2325023-geese-eating-mud.jpg here are a couple of pictures of the geese, everyone likes pictures ;)
The first is just a picture of them carrying mud and eating roots, the second is the effect on hibiscus. Very large blooms and healthy stalks as well.