good outdoor seed suggestion

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Anyone have a good strain that would fit all/most of these constraints???? ---Good for guerilla growing, northern climates (ie northern US..), tough plant--minimal care required, not many extra nutrients needed for a decent grow. Basically.. the best outdoor strain to "be left alone to grow" (i wouldnt actually be doing that though). Also, Id like to try and keep the plant at about 3 ft with minimal topping needed, so a genetically shorter plant. Any suggestions?! :blsmoke::joint:

mr j2

Well-Known Member
well i guess its too late for suggestions now.. i ordered some seeds wo! I just got the outdoor mix from sensi seeds. Im not really looking for great weed, or care too much about which plants are which so I just went with the mix. Hopefully ill get the seeds soon! :)


Well-Known Member
Magus genetics do some nice outdoor strains such as warlock and exile, they are a little costly though.

Purple widow from de sjamaan is another possibility.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Magus genetics do some nice outdoor strains such as warlock and exile, they are a little costly though.

Purple widow from de sjamaan is another possibility.
i was actually thinking about the purple widow. hows the smoke/thc level though? I may order some soon when I get a few bucks