Good Online Shops??


Well-Known Member
on they have glass on glass pieces that supposedly have carb holes... All you have to do is talk to Lena on AIM or contact them and tell them that you do NOT want the carb hole site on the glass on glass bong...but it has to be the glass on glass. I got two pieces from them like i said. Perfect! I really really want the Bong Carnivourus one...
Really!?? And what do you mean Glass on Glass (Sorry)When i started smoking i started off with joints then blunts and then Pipes, i really liked pipes until one of my friends introduced me to his bong and ever sence then ive liked bongs over anything so i just wanted to buy another one

Which bongs did you get from them? and how they hit

EDIT: This was the bong i wanted to order can i order it without a carb??
Waterbong | Water Bongs Glass Pipes