Good Fertilizer ratios


Well-Known Member
Im trying to figure out what the best, ratios for all stages of growth are.. What ratios are good, and not needed to be used in 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8 the strength, if thats possible..
I live in an area where there is hardly nothing as far from organic fertilizers, and the chemicals here are all in a different language I cant read..
There is ratios on the boxes, but still they are a bit odd.. Like 10-30-30 or 20-5-5, they are just various mixes.. I really dont want to have to mail order them, if I dont have to.. Any thoughts or ideas?


Well-Known Member
well the first number of the 3 should be higher, like 20-10-10, for the vegatative stage. for flowering the numbers should be like 10-30-10, the middle number higher. your going to have to dilute the ferts to at least 1/2 the strenth or you will get a fertilizer burn. i fertilize my outdoor plants like once every 2 weeks and their great, dont know how often for indoors though
-good luck man-:blsmoke: