

Well-Known Member
Dang couchlock, you got security on you!!

this reminds me of the time we went to Menards w/Budah and you got security called on us.


Well-Known Member
Couchlock. Was you outside hitting on JJ girlfriend? You have him all pissed at you. You must have been looking at him wrong or something!! You better make sure he doesn't want you completely out of his state alltogether!? That would suck if I had to take you to Wisconsin border and drop you off cuz JJ is pissed at you.

You need to get some pics posted and see if he lets you stay.
Just don't be causing any more trouble asking questions all crazy like and shit.

...........maybe you were being too loud?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Couchlock the entire Michigan Forum doubles as newbie central, so you're all-good here unless JJ starts tripin'.


Well-Known Member
K. Couchlock, check it out. This is were Bodhi hangs out:http://www.breedbay.co.uk/forums/bodhi-seeds/

Go over there for a few days and take a notebook. Don't start any fights, don't be banging their women and smashing their cars. Just get some good info. Don't be expecting one of us to bail you out if you get into any trouble over there. (Just kidding, we got your back)

In addition to the Goji OG, he is having a family reunion in a few weeks. Tiger's Milk, Black Triangle, Sunshine Daydream, Sunshine #3, and Temple are on there way. They said they wanted to come to the UP and hang out. I said we could work something out.


Well-Known Member
Couchlock is wandering around the desert looking for his wallet. He thinks he misplaced it. lol.
Here are the JTR plants. Looks like they need a few more weeks. lmao. Maybe some dirt too.
The Goji OG, there is a little situation that couchlock was gonna have fun with. I guess I will share shortly.
A brief description is a dozen Goji OG, Fire Alien Strawberry, and Stawberry Diesel got mixed up.
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