Going to San-Francisco area...temp med card?


Well-Known Member
Flying over there this January for a conference for 4 days...is it possible to get a med card even if you are visiting? I would like to take advantage of the medical marijuana laws while I am there...

ANy info appreciates!


Well-Known Member
see this is what id like to find out about , get urself on a little smokey holiday to sumwhere other than holland would be awsome . .
id also like to know the legality about having to marry etc to be fully eligable


Well-Known Member
i dont believe u can since ur supposed to be a ca resident unless u have a ca id then u can but ur supposed to have medicall history to go with u to the doc so dont beileve that you can srry u could try calling some docs and see but they prob wont


Active Member
I tall depends on the doctor. My friend who is a CA resident, with a legitimate CA drivers license, got a medical card without ever actually being ID'd, so it can definitely happen. You just have to go to the right place.


Active Member
Oh, definitely he had to fill out forms etc, the doctor just never checked it all out. I mean, if you have the balls, you might be able to get through it all, but who knows? I mean, he went into the visit with a valid CA ID anyway, as well as CA residency, and a legitimate CA address, so it wouldn't have mattered, I just wanted to illustrate a situation in which the outcome the OP desires occurred.


Active Member
Also, he caught a lucky break because his Dr. was also prescribing oxycontin to kids that were re-selling it, and was under some scrutiny, but the Dr. ended up dying and he just transferred to another physician.