Going past last resort..seeds


New Member
People say they wont get me high, but i have no choice, i have to get high, and i have no way of getting bud. Im gonna pack a thick bowl of crushed seeds and just rip the fuck out of them, and ghost every hit, just praying for a buzz. Why am i doing this you may ask? My cat got hit by a car and limped up on my porch, after about 10 minutes it died. no car = no vet :(. If this doesent get me high, i think ill just curl up in a little ball and cry in the corner. Whats ur thoughts on smoking seeds, any possible buzz? Ill report back with my results. peace


Active Member
Don't do it man!!! smoke only sinsimellia.. that's shit about your cat man, I feel for ya. If you can't get any bud and want to get fucked I would just get a booze.. don't smoke the seeds man it'll probably make you feel like shit or give you a headache