Going from BLOOM to VEG


Active Member
Alright i am not an expert and a noob to growing plants.

My question is: Is it possible to harvest all the large dense buds and leave the small popcorn buds along with the rest of the plant? Then push the plant back into vegetative state, instead of cutting down the whole plant.

What made me think of this was because you can take clones from a flowering plant. I know that the cannabis plant is a seasonal plant that hibernates/dies once its done flowering. But since in an indoor grow you can control the lighting, you can artificially trick it into thinking its summer.

This i believe would be beneficial with a SCROG setup, you can just harvest what you want and push it back into Veg. Then when blooming again the root system and plant will be much bigger and theoretically yield bigger buds.

Is this even possible with the cannabis plant?