going from 11/13 down to 12/12. Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I just recently found out why my plants are taking longer than usual to show their true sex. Well, just the one is.. the taller pheno 'ICE' plant, its just now BARELY starting to show a couple of hairs around the top 5th node (5th set of leafs).

So I'm leaning towards her being female for sure. I only order feminized seeds... but with starting them in a flowering cycle, with a light schedule of 11/13, I've been late a few times turning the lights off on time to keep the schedule on time. I think three times I've been late, maybe 4 times. But each time, it was only like 30 minutes, but the one time.. it was more around an hour and 30 minutes late turning the lights off.
But they're only on day #12 of flowering.. so they're still in the first stages of flowering as of right now. But I know that missing the lights OFF time.. several times like I did.. has probably stalled flowering.. or slowed the process down by a few days.

I found out some information, that, going straight into flowering with a 11/13 light schedule.. isn't the best thing to do. Which is contrary to what I have read. But the more i read about this.. the more it made sense to me.

"13 hours light, 11 dark may increase flower size while still allowing the plant to go into the flowering mode. Use less light, longer dark periods to speed maturity toward the end of the flowering cycle." (source: http://www.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/Plants/Cannabis/joys.html#FLOWERING)

My question is.. could I switch them to the regular 12/12 light schedule.. and they still be alright? When should I change it to 12/12? Tonight when I switch the lights off; Or in the morning when I switch the lights ON.??? That's really all I need to know.

Thanks for your time.. and thanks to anyone who helps me with this.
Please everyone, I try my best to help people around here when I can.. and if I can... so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
BUMP - No help... again? Wow... I can remember just months ago when someone would ask a question, they'd at least get one reply with help within the first hour or so... but seems like lately, like I can't get much help around here.

Guess its time to rely on Google from now on.



Hey I forgot you were growing that ICE out, where's the pics dude?! Its still early in flowering so you'll be cool i would say. You should really get a timer one of these days though; you know how picky these girls are. I know you've been growing for a while and you got it down pretty good, but when messing with feminized beans I would never try to force flowering; I'd wait until they are sexually mature before switching to 12/12. This makes hermies less likely anyways (but then again you got the ICE so I'm sure it'll be okay since they don't hermie much, supposedly). I mean you might as well wait because they aren't gonna show until they're ready anyways.

PICS PICS PICS we want PICS! I'm tryin' to see just how icy this ice can get!


Well-Known Member
You can start it when ever u want with no stress to the plant at all..u play god to these ladies...ur like the pimp, heheh


Well-Known Member
Hey I forgot you were growing that ICE out, where's the pics dude?! Its still early in flowering so you'll be cool i would say. You should really get a timer one of these days though; you know how picky these girls are. I know you've been growing for a while and you got it down pretty good, but when messing with feminized beans I would never try to force flowering; I'd wait until they are sexually mature before switching to 12/12. This makes hermies less likely anyways (but then again you got the ICE so I'm sure it'll be okay since they don't hermie much, supposedly). I mean you might as well wait because they aren't gonna show until they're ready anyways.

PICS PICS PICS we want PICS! I'm tryin' to see just how icy this ice can get!

I don't have my camera right now man.. or trust me. I'd have pictures of both of them. I can tell you this much, they're a quick germinating and growing plant.. but they slow down in flowering.

Don't get me wrong bro, I appreciate your tip about the feminized beans.. but I've never had a problem putting them into flowering after only two weeks of veg. Never. I have two of them, one is a shorter pheno, and the other ended up being the taller pheno. The taller pheno.. just yesterday.. barely started to show white hairs. But only on the 5th node (5th leaf set). But, again.. its just now really starting to flower.. so it'll still be a while but eventually as the days go by.. the rest of the plant will start putting out hairs on the other budding sites as well. The short pheno plant, which has a bigger size container.. has yet to show me balls or hairs.. so I guess she's going to be the stubborn one out of the two of them. hehe.. nah I love that one just as much as I love the other one.. I'm just hoping being late a few times turning off the lights.. during flowering time.. didn't harm the one that hasn't shown me its sex yet. Hopefully it just delayed the flowering process by a few days.. and didn't give me a hermaphrodite. :| where the plant is male + female = hermaphrodite = shitty.

secondly, feminized seeds, are the same damn thing as a regular seed.. only it contains female genetics. So, there's no "special" method of growing them. You would grow feminized seeds, the same freaking way you would grow a "non feminized" seed.

You can switch them into flowering whenever you want too do so... LOL.

I appreciate the "info" but, your not talking to a noob. ;) Just thought I would throw that into the mix.

Thirdly, you can actually "force" a plant into flowering, by immediately putting them into a 10/14 light schedule.. this will usually make them show sex quicker..

Just thought I'd let ya know. And yeah, I agree with you.. even when you put a plant into flowering, its not going to show its true sex until its good and ready to do so. I realize that.. but sometimes, if you put them in 10/14 (flowering light schedule) rather than the regular 12/12... sometimes the extended 'dark period' will help trigger the flowering hormones.. or.. give them more dark time to 'trigger' the flowering process of the plant. Ya dig?


and yes man, as soon as I get my camera back from my brother inlaw... believe me man I'll have pics for you and anyone else that wants to check the two babies out. Mind you (as of today) they are only 13 days into flowering.. tomorrow starts week #3 flowering though. Wish me luck dude! and yes.. be on the lookout for pictures here within the next week. Hopefully this weekend. Peace.


Hey I know your not a noob! That's why I used the qualifier: "I know you've been growing for a while and you got it down pretty good". Plus I've read a some of your other posts so I know you're not a noob. I don't doubt it one bit! And I do wish you the very best of luck with this grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey I know your not a noob! That's why I used the qualifier: "I know you've been growing for a while and you got it down pretty good". Plus I've read a some of your other posts so I know you're not a noob. I don't doubt it one bit! And I do wish you the very best of luck with this grow.
I know.. I was just giving you a hard time. lol.

sorry.. and thanks I appreciate that.