Going for 2lbs from 4x4'. advice?

B Irie

Howdy Folks,
I am going for a (pretty lofty) goal here and would like to get some input.

Here's what I got:
-4x4x9 closet
-1000 w galaxy digi ballast w/ hps eye hortilux bulb
-Air cooled hood with dedicated fresh air intake (4" vortex)
-Can filter located in top of room with 6" vortex exhausting air
-6" inductor fan to direct fresh air to circulating fan
-Temps are around 80f with lights on and 70f with lights off
-Humidity stays around35-40%
-planning to do a scrog

I'm currently vegging Northern Lights x Blueberry for clones. (one mother looking great, tons of branches and bushy, seems like a perfect strain for scrog...)

I am willing to invest extra veg time to make it work

Here's my questions...
-Soil or coco? Never done coco, but interested...

-# of plants, I was thinking that I would do 3 or 4 plants in 15 gal pots and veg them to fill the screen. Any opinions here?

I know that the general rule of thumb is 1lb per 1000 watt, but a gram per watt is more than 2 pounds so I want it!

Any other input is welcome and appreciated. Thanks rollitup!


Active Member
i have heard about a gram a watt but u have multiple plants.. im going one plants per light eventually right now got 7 under 2 1ks :). im hoping to get a half lb per girl of this batch!


Well-Known Member
whats up B, why not use the 6' fan to cool the light? it mite drop the day temp down to 75f...also you got to add co2 if u want the yelid ur after...i used soil at 1st but have changed to coco (its the shit) alot cleaner,easyer to deal with PH, just over all better IMO..i have the same set up (4x4, 1000watt)..and im going to try for 2lbs this next time, but going to use a ebb and flow SOG and co2...i'll be around fosho to see how u come out..MEANGREEN.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Howdy Folks,

Here's my questions...
-Soil or coco? Never done coco, but interested...

-# of plants, I was thinking that I would do 3 or 4 plants in 15 gal pots and veg them to fill the screen. Any opinions here?

I know that the general rule of thumb is 1lb per 1000 watt, but a gram per watt is more than 2 pounds so I want it!

Any other input is welcome and appreciated. Thanks rollitup!
Coco is great to use and can support a lot of rootmass for big yielding trees.

Your goal may be possible although it is a long shot but veg time would be a major factor. How long do you plan to veg for?

B Irie

Coco is great to use and can support a lot of rootmass for big yielding trees.

Your goal may be possible although it is a long shot but veg time would be a major factor. How long do you plan to veg for?
Thanks for the input, I am planning to Do a scrog, and I will veg until the screen is full. I am going to do fewer plants in larger pots, so I am ready for some extra weeks there. I think I am going to give the coco a shot.


Well-Known Member
looks good if at all possible you could shorten that vent..so it can move more air quicker..to help the heat


Hi, B erie, nice to hear you want to push your garden to its maximum. Well its gonna take a lot, like people have said the co2 is missing, also you will need to use a hydro setup, soil works too but you want some weight and you need hydro since it produces faster. 4x4 is not quite enough space for that, an adjust a wing will really take ypour LIGHTS to its limits, you could then expand that area to 6x6 and the light distribution is unbelievable, there is just so much and you really need to master it all to push the plants to such yields. Not only the system but also the strain, you really need to have a feel for it and that happens after min 3 grows, ok bro keep it growing, dont expect too much when your still in the first 5 years


Well-Known Member
i would check out the sure to grow its better than coco and does not build up salt like does coco, iv been growing coco it has bad salt build up at the end of flowering you have to flush the shit out of it.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
i would check out the sure to grow its better than coco and does not build up salt like does coco, iv been growing coco it has bad salt build up at the end of flowering you have to flush the shit out of it.
A regular flooding about once a week gets rid of any salt build up. The final flush is no different to soil if not better in my opinion.

B Irie

Thanks all,
Funny story, I switched the 4 and 6 " fans and my temps went up! weird...I am going to upgrade the ventilation system so that I have the 6" exhaust, another 4" intake, and move the little inductor fan to a mother/clone hut. I know there is a faction of people that rely on negative pressure to bring air in, and I understand the logic in that, I just find that by dedicating a fan to intake works better for me...

As for shortening the vent on the light (you meant the one on the light right Quickee?) It is longer so I can move the light up, but i will take your advice and pull the slack together and tape it (like a slinky)...Good thinking

Good advice Syze, I've been growing for 4 years now, so I know what you mean. I am going to give it my all and see what I can do. I think that if I let 'em veg a bunch it can be done. And co2 will definitely be a part of the equation by the time flowering comes along!

Thanks for all the support guys!
B Irie


Well-Known Member
Coco is great to use and can support a lot of rootmass for big yielding trees.

Your goal may be possible although it is a long shot but veg time would be a major factor. How long do you plan to veg for?
Listen to M Blaze, dude grows some serious trees.


Well-Known Member
from ur pics..this is what i whould do: use that 6inch fan for the hood, but keep the ducting sealed from ur room ( sucking air from outside through the hood and out ur room) never sucking air from inside ur room.also make sure u get rid of the bends in the ducting ( u have alot) , that restircts air alot...then use the 4incher hooked up to ur scubber and just hang it in the room,cleaning & blowing air around..then u can add co2 to ur room and not lose any. it will a sealed room, i cant see why hooking up the 6inch to the hood whould rise the temps thats weird

B Irie

from ur pics..this is what i whould do: use that 6inch fan for the hood, but keep the ducting sealed from ur room ( sucking air from outside through the hood and out ur room) never sucking air from inside ur room.also make sure u get rid of the bends in the ducting ( u have alot) , that restircts air alot...then use the 4incher hooked up to ur scubber and just hang it in the room,cleaning & blowing air around..then u can add co2 to ur room and not lose any. it will a sealed room, i cant see why hooking up the 6inch to the hood whould rise the temps thats weird
I have thought about doing a sealed room, but I am pretty sure I would need a/c for that and don't have the room for it. The hood is drawing fresh air already from under the house in order to have a more cooling effect.
I am going to keep the plan and infrastructure the same and run with it. I just found out that i may be moving soon, so I am going to save the co2 adventure for my next project.
Here's some pics of the girls, I have the blueberry x northern lights in there still and added another girl.
Done some tying down and man did they take off after that! I tied them down and in one day the branches all turned to face the light, the next day they had added about 2 inches all the way around. Fun stuff!
Cheers all!
northern lightsx blueberry

