Gnat larvae and hydrogen peroxide with additives???


Well-Known Member
I have a gnat larvae problem in its early stages. I dont have much adult gnats as of yet but the soil is now full of larvae. I have some 6% hydrogen peroxide from the chemist that id like to use but it has a few additives that i believe may be toxic to the plant.

Would anyone have any knowledge of using the chemist non food grade stuff for killing the larvae? I am not in a position to be able to order from the net just now and live in a small town so have no access to large handy stores that might have the clean stuff?

The plants are just under 2 weeks old and growth is coming to a halt so I need to fix it asap


Jerry G

New Member
Here is an" US Peroxide" (h2o2 . com FAQ) site article I found...( but we still need to know how they affect the body. Google/Wikipedia each stabilizer?)

Most commercial grades of H2O2 contain chelants and sequestrants which minimize its decomposition under normal storage and handling conditions.

The types of stabilizers used in H2O2 vary between producers and product grades. Common stabilizers include:

  • Colloidal stannate (Non-toxic!?)and sodium pyrophosphate (Toxicity is approximately twice that of table salt )(present at 25 - 250 mg/L) are traditional mainstays.
  • *Organophosphonates (e.g., Monsanto's Dequest products) are increasingly common.
  • **Nitrate (for pH adjustment and corrosion inhibition) and phosphoric acid (for pH adjustment) also are used.
  • Colloidal silicate (Sand-like, silica Non Toxic!?) is used to sequester metals and thereby minimize H2O2 decomposition in certain applications that depend on the bleaching ability of H2O2 in alkali.
In some applications, a high degree of stabilization is needed; whereas, in others (e.g., drinking water treatment or semiconductor manufacture) product purity is more important. For most environmental applications, H2O2 stabilization does not affect product performance.

*Organophosphonates: OPs are one of the most common causes of poisoning worldwide, (Thank You Monsanto!) and are frequently intentionally used in suicides in agrarian areas. There are around 1 million OP poisonings per year with several hundred thousand resulting in fatalities annually. (And they tell us to gargle with this product!!)

**Nitrate poisoning include increased heart rate and respiration

Tags; Commercial Grade Hydrogen Peroxide ingredients stabilizers additives contains Organophosphonates by Monasanto - poisons the world, mouth wash rinse gargle, why to use food grade H2O2 - no additives


Well-Known Member
Just get some mosquito dunks (BTi bacteria) from your local hardware store. Crumble half of one iinto a 5-gal bucket, let it soak overnight, and water with that 2-3 times.

Problem solved without questionable chemicals.