Glass Pipes = Black Lips?


Active Member
Alright mon I know smokin blunts give you black lips, bob marley smoked joints and his lips were black but DOES GLASS PIPES GIVE YOU BLACK LIPS IF YOU USE IT HEAVY DAILY OR EVERY 2 DAYS OR EVEN IN MODERATION?.. Im just wonderin. Im also tryin to decide between joints, blunts, and glass pipes im going to be smokin 9/10times by myself, outdoors 10/10times im not concered with my lips getting black. I like joints but they burn xtra fast, i learned how to smoke on blunts but i dont like the chemicals, & pipes seem like the best option but what if its windy outside. So could any body guide me in the rght direction pleace?


Well-Known Member
I'm an everyday day pipe smoker and to this day imy lips are the same as the day I first hit a pipe....... the only thing that I ever heard of is if u smoke blunts/joints your finger tip will turn yellow after a while....


bud bootlegger
and i always thought that bob marleys lips were black because so was the rest of him?? i smoke bowls a lot if i have good weed.. like you've noticed, smoking j's waste wayy more weed as it stays lite the whole time your not smoking it, while bowls usually need to be re lite between hits... blunts suck up a lot of weed as well as they take a lot of weed to roll lilke a j, unlike a bowl which only takes a pinch or so..
and i'll usually smoke crappier mids or what have you in j's or blunts cuz i need more of it to get to the same place as a smaller amount of better weed would.. and who cares if crappy weed burns while i'm not hitting it..
as far as the wind goes, i know a lot of peps on here take solar hits, where they "light' the bowl with a magnifying glass, which can be done so long as the sun is out...


Well-Known Member
Vaporizors are my first choice, but only for when I have time to chill. Bowls and bongs I find work perfect for me when I need a quick hit or two. the only black from glass pipes would be the ash, resin, or from holding the flame too long on the glass youll get black smear marks...nothing permanent though lol. Joints are nice too, but burn fast and suck outdoors, and don't always burn well with all kinds of strains. Blunts I think are best for smoking in groups because you can roll more up and it burns longer. Just my smoking habbits though.