Giving it another shot...but I'm $$Broke$$


Well-Known Member
So I've been trying to figure out a setup for a while in my new place. The last time I tried I think I kept the seeds that I ordered too long and none ended up popping. This time I took a bunch of nice looking seeds out of a bag of the best looking shwag I've seen in a while and figured I use these to test out whatever set up I end up making. I am not working at the moment and am trying to do this on the lowest budget possible so I am missing a lot of stuff that I know I need but I have some supplies I've picked up along the way. So far all I've picked up from walmart is jiffy pots and jiffy mix seed starter for $4 and sponges for a dollar that I got from target to use in my aerogarden.

The pH is way off in aerogarden but out of three seeds two already have roots about 1/4 in. from the surface of the water and I put in an airstone so I'll probably need to get some nutrients within a week or two. I'm gonna go with it and see how it goes. 4 seeds in the jiffy pots are out and looking much better than the aerogarden bunch but it has only been 3 days so we'll see how it goes.

This is mostly for my own reference but if you have something you think might be helpful feel free to comment.

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Active Member
Hey man im just trying out the aerogarden and I would appreciate it if you can help me by giving me any tips with regards to settings and how long to have lights/pump on and off for. Any tips would be great! Thanks dude.


Well-Known Member
They have a whole aerogarden section here that I checked out when I first started, but I just set it on tomato and let it do it's thing though.


Well-Known Member
It has been raining lately so I've collected about 2 gallons of rainwater and have been using that to water for the past two weeks.
I have a total of 3 26 watt cfl on it now. 5250 lumens for 10 seedlings. 2012-05-15 23.10.19.jpg2012-05-15 22.55.06.jpg2012-05-15 23.08.52.jpg2012-05-15 23.09.04.jpg2012-05-15 23.08.34.jpg2012-05-15 23.09.26.jpg2012-05-15 23.09.42.jpg