give powdery mildew what it wants?


Well-Known Member
Ok check it. This may be a shit idea, BUT from shit comes flowers right? Maybe. Got to brainstorm.

Anyway, on a farm/ranch I WWOOFed on, to deal with the MASSIVE fly problem, our boss put a dead chicken carcass on the outskirts of the chicken/guinea hen area, in a bucket, and all the flies hung out there. It worked and it was close enough to smell the chicken! Not every fly on the ranch went there of course, but that area of the ranch was free except for that bucket, which was concentratd with flies yo.

So applying this to the grow room:

AND THIS IS FOR LAST RESORT, meaning you've tried everything, maybe you can somehow create an area within the room (away from the plants)that effectively attracts most of the spores? that makes them all want to concentrate in one area only.

the logic is that the billion something spores have to go somewhere. give them one place to go and keep everything else is clean. because they are there no matter what right?

don't know, just an idea. i ain;t tryin; it but may have to one day

any thought?