Gibberellin...10cm growth per day!


Well-Known Member
Ah, that title got your attention!

Well my friend picked up a magazine and told me to read this artilce about Gibberellin! See below:

"The plants become light green in colour and stems split open because of the fast growth. See Pic1. The platns speed of growth can reach 10cm per day!

However, it continues to say that it stimulates the formation of typically male organs and taller plants, longer internodes and male flowers in dioecious plants.

I took some pics for anybody thats intrested:

I know there are some smart growers here at RIU...if you were to get hold of this stuff and gave a little to plants, say for example during flower would this good be a good idea? Would it 100% bring out male flowers? If not and used in conjuntion with Silica (also helps cell struction and growth) would it be steriods for marijuana?

All thoughts and opinions welcome!


Well-Known Member
Did you read the article i posted? The pic shows a stem bursting at the seams :o
I seen throughout the forum that some people study/have jobs or even folk with a better understanding of this sort of thing than me. I wouldnt even know where to buy this stuff...just thought it could be worth posting


Well-Known Member
breeders use it alot. this is one way to make feminized seeds. the stuff makes female plants grow dicks.. and the pollen from said dicks, is then used on another female that will produce the feminized seed(s).


Well-Known Member
well im glad i didnt go buy any gibberellin haha! would have totally ruined all my hard work...just was hoping it was some kickass extra i could pump up my plants with