GH maxibloom scale


Well-Known Member
Any idea what scale GH use for their maxibloom feed recommendations?

Or dos anyone have a recommended starting ec for maxibloom when flipping to flower? Using 6” rockwool top feed with recirc.

FYI I have a bluelab pen so I can use whatever ec or ppm if I know the scale


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to figure it out. You can go by the feeding schedule but when I do that my plants look like they're getting lockout cus ppm goes to about 1200 at .7 conversion and rises every day. From what I was told you wanna have ec and ph stay steady


Well-Known Member
I ran Maxi for years. An EC pen is what ya want. Their recommended amount always seemed too hot to me. I like 700 in veg and 900 in flower...


Well-Known Member
I ran Maxi for years. An EC pen is what ya want. Their recommended amount always seemed too hot to me. I like 700 in veg and 900 in flower...
I have the blue lab pen so it’s a nice unit for ec. I’m sitting at 700ppm at .5 conversion in veg and they seem happy.

Is your 700 at .5 or .7 conversion


Well-Known Member
I used to use Lucas...7g...but now I just use Gaia Green or Dr Earth dry ammendments...took a while to understand what else they would need but now my grows are on par to when I used Lucas...there is so much info, recipes, hints on this matter as Lucas has been used for many many years and is well documented on forums everywhere.
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