Getting started


I am a newbie but anxious to learn.
I am moving into a new house. I have been doing research and I have decided to buy a bubbleponics system.

I am going to start from seed as I have some bag seed but it was very good smoke. What can I expect if I buy the seedling starter kit? Can I use it for cloning also?

Any feedback on the techna flora starter kit? and tips on using this product in combination with the bubbleponics?

I am new and need some guidance but I am a hands on person who learns from doing.

I am very curious on building seed stock any advise on this?


Well-Known Member
jesus christ one thing at a time, but ya sound like ur headed in the right direction, i havent used bubble ponics but am using hydro and will try to help if i can.
with a seed start kit YES u can do clones, but u dont need a kit all u need are some basics:
rooting compound(i use rootech), medium (i love rapid rooters for cloning), sharp knife, clean(maybe distilled or bottled water), a breathable hood 4 ur tray. with all this i root in 9 days
Havnet used techna flora but have heard good thing and if u do 1/4 to half or what the bottle says at first and keep ur ppms right( id suggest getting either a ppm or ec meter) u should be fine.
Seed stock? are you talking about breeding? because if not and you have room for clone mothers a seed stock can be unescesary. unless u want to hold on to a particular strain and cannot move a mother.
but the ppl on here can show u how to use ur house to its FULL potential! so keep on growin,