Getting Close to Flush, But How Close?? PICS!! Any Experts in the House?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, first grow is going well thanks in part RUI...

Part of my issue is I don't know exactly what "version" of Blueberry these clones are. I was only able to find out from the "grow master" of dispensary chain that the flowers "should be fully cycled in 60 days".

I am hoping from the pics and my timing info you guys can give me a good idea when to cut off the nutes.

I vegged them for 5 weeks. They had obvious pre-flowers well before this. I switched them to 12/12 for 1 week then switched the lamp to HPS.

Over the next couple weeks the flowers grew very rapidly, slowed down some got super frosty, and now seem to be picking up size again.

Today is (Week 5 Day 4) of Flower OR (Week 6 Day 4) from switching to 12/12. Pics were taken just after lights out. ( Click for High-Res Zoomable Image )




Well-Known Member
Hmmm, yea. I get that the last 2 weeks are for flush. I was more asking if its possible to tell from the flowers themselves about how much longer they have. As some blueberry says 5X days and some says let it go a full 70days.

Also I'm a little unclear as to the exact timing on the "flower cycle". Would it be 60 days from switching to 12/12? Or 60 days from when the flowers starting growing rapidly, about a week later?

I've been told 60 days so I'm gonna give them one more week of nutes then two weeks of flush, pushing them out to about 63days from when they were switched to 12/12.

If I play it safe like this, and the trics don't end up getting milky for say 3 weeks after cutting off the nutes, that wont cause any problems right? Like they wont loose potency will they?


Well-Known Member
Personally i dont see any red/orange pistils, they look like they still have 3 weeks minimum.
the flower cycle is usually approximate and taken after pre-flower (when the tops of your plants first get hair, not the 2 hairs at nodes)
and keep in mind when using soil add 1-2 weeks on for flowering time, even with hydro still add a week from what they say. the 60 days is advertising unless specifically told to you by the original grower (i read you talked to him and he said 60).

they will lose potency if you take away their energy source.
they will use up all the nutrients in the leaves first, then they will start to cannibalize the buds then hermie and try to self pollinate if not already pollinated.

i suggest feeding your plant till the 60 day mark at least and then flush (5 weeks till harvest). if you notice all the pistils turning orange, check out the trichs. keep an eye on em till you get the ratio that is desired.

EDIT: just finished a blue widow (blueberry x WW) from seed. give it time to grow is my advice.


Well-Known Member

Thanks so much for the reply. There are a number of the pistils turning orange and shriveling some. But the majority of them are still long and white-ish. However, some of the lower buds, the ones that are just pokeing thru the canopy have a higher percentage of them truing orange.

I'll try to get some better pics when the light shut off tonight. For now here are a few from above that show better I think. If you click these you can zoom the shit out of it if you want.




Well-Known Member
I wasn't able to get pics last night, but got some just now. Tried to get shots of the lower buds but it's hard in the dark, etc. They seem to be getting more orange hairs.

Need advice please guys, I don't want to flush too early/late. Thanks!!


sativa indica pits

Active Member
I let 3/4 of all the hairs turn red. looks close but maybe a few more days. and you cut a few buds dry and see how mature it is by the potency and smoke. the longer you leave it, the more of a knock-out stone it will have.