Getting A Grasp On Nutrients and Supplements... About 4 grows in so not total noob.

Ok ok ok... Now that I am a firm believer that my organic grown meds are way tastier then my chemical grown meds, is there a happy medium?

Im honestly just tired of wasting money if I don't have to and actually prefer less chemicals anyway. BUT and I say BUT in capital letters because I have spent hundreds of dollars on products that I intend on using, if not just for the sole reason of not wasting my $$$z!!

here is a breakdown of what I've done and what nutrients I own, maybe someone with a little more experience can tell me why I bought this and how I can implement it in my recipe to benefit the most from it??? Maybe?

So when I first started growing my friends company GC Hydroponics, actually owns part of Heavy 16 and I decided to run his heavy 16 base and some of the additives like fire and prime. Still not using the free roots or finish I got samples of. Will be using this next run.

so my grow first indoor soil grow was OG kush by HSO, I started a mother from seed almost a year ago and she is still strong and providing plenty of cuttings... and lately I have heard that the OG from HSO isn't real OG so this could be part of my issue.

First grow grow was in soil, FF Ocean Forest, have since switched to Roots Organics Greenlite.
i used Veg A/B Bloom A/B and prime all the way through and one dose of fire on week 6.
I used Humbolt County's Own Snow Storm Ultra weeks 5-flush
flushed with Floraclean weeks 7-8.
brewed tea twice from a sample my buddy gave me I'll find out what kind it's got a chili in logo
spayed neem and some mighty wash towards end due to being in garage we had minor issue with mites
i produced 5 oz dry under about half of a 600w hps vented hood setup and two 4 inch fans one or exhaust and one for fresh air, used a co2 bag last 3 weeks before harvest too.
I was happy with some of the results but overall everything we did in the greenhouse out back had a way better taste and fragrance then our indoor. But out indoor crystal production and density was simply amazing...

I have have now added Roots organics HP2 and I have a bottle of sea green I'm not using
i also have kelp meal and worm castings for my own tea brews
we are now running two 600w hps, veg under T5's and top plants once at 4-5 nodes
i have also started a couple different strains to test out in case of a genetic problem.
The issue is this, I have all this crap and I basically know what everything is for just need to know if I can start using everything I got in a better way or am I just stuck to the Heavy 16 schedule and then giving the plants an additive feed or something? Teas are easy and I like the organic feel of them is there a good recipe with the stuff I have?

I guess i just wanna see what you guys think, have a happy Sunday everyone!

