getawaymountain 2014 outdoor


Well-Known Member
Your genetics are mint man, I'm a guerilla grower as well.. Do you haul water from a near bye water source, lots of work but well wort it come harvest :eyesmoke:
I wouldn't mind gettin my hands on some getaway gear:weed:


Well-Known Member
we put kiddy swimming pools out in the bush in the spring at each spot and catch all the rain water we need for each place if there isn't any streams near by to pump from and the only thing i haul around is a garden hose for watering , not heavy at all. lol.. the main thing with guerilla growing is doing the prep work ahead of the season


Well-Known Member
we put kiddy swimming pools out in the bush in the spring at each spot and catch all the rain water we need for each place if there isn't any streams near by to pump from and the only thing i haul around is a garden hose for watering , not heavy at all. lol.. the main thing with guerilla growing is the prep work


Well-Known Member
we put kiddy swimming pools out in the bush in the spring at each spot and catch all the rain water we need for each place if there isn't any streams near by to pump from and the only thing i haul around is a garden hose for watering , not heavy at all. lol.. the main thing with guerilla growing is the prep work


Well-Known Member
good ya should like the gangbanger also good luck i got my fall crop just sexing out of sea dragon , gangbanger, and madd jack to go in greenhouse under suppliment light and they are 2 feet tall now and i'm keeping them in veg until end of oct so they will be as big as the summer crop if i do it right hahaha


Well-Known Member
I may try the ganbanger and seadragon out in springand let them get beefy. I'm throwing a seawarp down inthe grou d today where I had pulled a male. Even if she goes straight into flower she will make a nice bush.


Well-Known Member
here's how mommas early ones are looking it will be done in a week or 2 at the most wev'e been bringing a couple in 5 gallon buckets inside to bud early for some head smoke and the samples iv'e been smoking is great for mid august bud and the roots the clones have are looking great also really big and healthy and all the ones are in full bud mode now so it will be a early oct harvest for most with a bunch done in mid sept also



Well-Known Member
here's the clone garden( 30 in this spot ) and they are just growing like hell now and we got 23 females out of 30 sea dragons that we started from the seeds we made in may to test them i think they will do hahaha lol... and some gangbanger females also from testing seeds we just made in may they are good also so i got 50 more or so to place in the skunk cabbage spot momma says enough !!


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Well-Known Member
here's some chair porn hahaha the ladies are growing well now its august !! the buds on the early phenos are budding like crazy and they will be pushing a lb each and done by late august lol.. not many of this pheno just maybe 25 percent of the total and the other pheno is a big wide girl that is started to bud now also so 3 weeks later and alot bigger and all the other poison warps are the same so 75 % big late sept pheno and 25 % are done late august -- early sept pheno the sunrise pic was at 5.30 am this morning in coastal maine and the ladies are getting sun till 8.30 pm and love it

