Germination...What Method?


Hi all!

Well, I've got all my equipment and seeds ordered, so while I'm waiting (SO impatient!) I'm putting together my game plan. I ordered a variety of autos and photos to see what works best, and I'm thinking I'll start two autos, and then while they're flowering, I'll veg two photos. Hopefully something will survive.

But first, I'll have to germinate those little puppies. I've gone through a bazillion threads, and there are just as many methods for germinating. I was thinking to germinate directly into a small cup of Fox Farms Light Warrior (switching to FFOF when I transplant to larger pots), but seeing all the preferences for germinating in damp paper towels has me wondering -- what is the reason for doing that instead of doing it in soil? Obviously, this is a personal preference, but it seems that it's an extra step and an extra chance for something to go wrong. So for those of you who do the paper towel thing, can you tell me why you prefer that method over germinating right in the soil? I do not have a green thumb, so I'm wanting to go with the most foolproof method available. I'm open to other methods as well.

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
I drop mine in a cup of water in a dark place. Dont let get too cold or hot. Works for me. I have also planted them without germination.


the paper towel method is the perfect enviroment for the seeds and faster to germinate than in just soil. i prefer like holloman to leave in a cup of warter in a dark warm place till it germinates as ive had 100 percent succes rate and never took longer than 48 hrs usually 24 so thats my advice mate


Active Member
I would def germinate. you should pop your seeds in a cup of water in a warmish dark place until they sink, when they sink, pop em in some folded paper towels that are damp not soaked and pop em on a plate in a warm dark place try to make sure they dont get dry. in a couple days they should have grown tails. plant em tail side down.



Active Member
I add a cap of drug store hydrogen peroxide to a cup of water (can't remember why). Cover the cup with a box and let the seeds soak for 18-24hrs. Some sink but some don't. Then I drop the seeds into soaked riot rooters plugs and use a small piece of the plug to cover the hole. I put the plugs into a domed seed starting tray in a warmish area and just make sure the plugs stay moist. Usually pop after 2-4 days.


Well-Known Member
Buy Root Shooters at your hydro store. Drop the seed in the hole, push it down and wait. Or screw around dropping it in water, rolling in a paper towel, taking it for a drive in the country.


Active Member
i think germination = user preference.

there are so many methods out there.

and many people prefer one over the other.

i suggest you try whichever you feel is the most foolproof.

as a new grower ive tried 2 methods so far -- they both worked for me.

1)paper towel.

2)cup of water.

so far -- i would prefer the cup of water

but thats just me.


Active Member
Hi all!

I do not have a green thumb, so I'm wanting to go with the most foolproof method available. I'm open to other methods as well.

Thanks in advance!

That's what I thought when I started. Give yourself more credit. If you love your plants and enjoy the best hobby in the world, you don't need the mythical 'green thumb'. If you don't fully belive in your ability to produce good cannabis you will tend to be an over cautious parent. And nothing has harmed or killed more plants than their parents loving them to death.


Well-Known Member
I felt the same way when I germinated the first time, but after a lot of research I went with: Soak seeds in water for about twelve plus hours, make sure they sink to bottom ( more likely to be a viable seed ) then I just plant into mild soil like happy frog, although I wanna try light warrior next time. The way I see it the best way is to imitate nature. Plus I think the less you handle the seeds/seedlings the better.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
my fastest germination was my current fruity chronic seed. under 18 hours. i use a regular dish washing sponge cut in half to cover the seeds, water with distilled water and covre the plate its on with a bowl to keep total darkness. i put it ontop of my fish tank light, a t8 i think it is. sits just next the ballest for it, so stays warm and have had 100% with this so far. the longest to germinate using this way was about 30 hours


Well-Known Member
heat and humidity are your two biggest friends when germinating seeds. There are tons of different ways, but the less you touch the germinating seeds, the better off that sprout will be! My preferred method is a heat mat with a tray and humidity dome on top of it and the seeds in either rockwool or spongepots (root riots, rapid-rooter, htg generics, etc. take your pick). Then once you get a sprout, give it a couple of days until you see the tap-root poke through the bottom and drop it into your hydro or soil.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
is it really nessecery to to buy all that rooter shit. not havin a go at ya mate, but i find it so much easier my way. i mean sponge sitting on a warm spot. thats pretty easy not too mention cheap. KISS!!!!!


Cool...thanks, everyone. Since I'm going to try to sprout three seeds to start, I might try a different method with each one and see what happens. My biggest issue will be heat, I think. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I use 4.5 in pots and a 2 liter pop bottle cut in half. the half bottle fits perfect inside the rim of the pot. I fill the pot with a mixture of 50% potting soil 25% perlite, and 25% vermiculite. soak the soil well, put seed in about 1/2" put bottle on top and watch seeds pop within 2 or 4 days. keep it warm.


Well-Known Member
But first, I'll have to germinate those little puppies. I've gone through a bazillion threads, and there are just as many methods for germinating. I was thinking to germinate directly into a small cup of Fox Farms Light Warrior (switching to FFOF when I transplant to larger pots),
Stop right there, that is exactly right.

but seeing all the preferences for germinating in damp paper towels has me wondering -- what is the reason for doing that instead of doing it in soil?
Stoner science that evolved into some sort of dogma. It will work, but totally unnecessary and very easy to damage sprouted seeds.
Do as you like, but your first instincts were correct.



Well-Known Member
is it really nessecery to to buy all that rooter shit. not havin a go at ya mate, but i find it so much easier my way. i mean sponge sitting on a warm spot. thats pretty easy not too mention cheap. KISS!!!!!
I agree with your method too. It delivers heat and humidity as well and uses gear you already have. For the one off seed germs, KISS indeed! Nothing wrong with that. The only reason I use what I do is because it is stuff I have lying around from my spring vegetable garden work where I am germing lots of seeds at the same time and the equipment are things I just need to buy once (other than cheapo sponge pots or cubes).

I have used the ol' wet paper towel in a shoebox on top of the fridge method many a time too, but found higher success with the method I talked about. There is nothing worse than a non-germing seed you paid very good money for.


Well-Known Member
heat and humidity are your two biggest friends when germinating seeds. There are tons of different ways, but the less you touch the germinating seeds, the better off that sprout will be! My preferred method is a heat mat with a tray and humidity dome on top of it and the seeds in either rockwool or spongepots (root riots, rapid-rooter, htg generics, etc. take your pick). Then once you get a sprout, give it a couple of days until you see the tap-root poke through the bottom and drop it into your hydro or soil.
All the way. Good advice. The heat mats can be bought at Pet Smart for reptiles. Cheaper than the ones by Hydrofarm or at any hydro store. The desert model is warmest. My domes are 1-gallon water jugs with the bottoms cut off. Screw the cap on at night or when cold or leave it totally open. Budget all the way.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel method is the best i have tried,and i didn't even have to do extra stuff to germ them,just plant on paper towel,spray,fold the paper towel and place in zip lock bag,then toss it in a drawer.It actually take my seeds longer to pop when i use my heating pad.WHY? idk

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There are 101 ways of cooking a chicken. THey all work.

Personally i just put them in their medium and let them do their thing, as they have naturally done for a few thousand years without any issue. If you can't get them to sprout without issue in a pot of soil, then the chances are that there is something pretty wrong with your grown environment from the get go.