Germination -> Rockwool -> ?


So, seeds were germinated using a paper towel in a ziplock bag, all popped with strong tap roots after 2 days.

This morning, they were placed in rockwool cubes after the cubes were dipped in 5.5 ph tap water.

But I was unsure as to whether or not the holes the seeds were placed in should be covered with small bits of rockwool and I'm also a bit unsure as to what the optimum environment for them is at this point.

What temps, humidity, and lighting, if any do I need at this point?

Also, what is everyone's thoughts on using a humidity dome?


Active Member
If theyve already popped, keep wool wet, give some light, not too much yet, keep them in the 70s and RH is not that important to them. Once they pop a set of true leaves, hammer with the light watch for roots then put them into your actual grow medium. I only use a dome for my clones but thats just me. And i just kinda pinch the wool over the seed. you put it in wool with root down, right?


Yup, the end the taproot comes out was placed facing down, although some of the taproots shot out, and curled the opposite way. Almost as if they are parallel with the seed itself with the taproot facing up. Should I switch those so that both the taproot and the end of the side that does not have the taproot are facing down?

Got them sitting under a single 15w CFL with the bottom of the bulb 3" from the top of the rockwool. I have all CFL's throughout the house so I am just using one from a random bulb. I have a 1000w HPS, but am still waiting on ducting and A/C to arrive; as of right now, if I use the HPS, my temps stay between 80-82, slightly lower if I'm lucky.

So I'm just using the CFL for now and my temps are at a stable 75. Also, I pinched the hole over like you said, still a small hole there but much smaller than what I made to put the seeds in.

How wet is too wet for the rockwool? I dipped the cubes in 5.5 ph water and then squeezed out most of the excess water. I'm just not sure as to how much I should've "squeezed out" though.