germination question


Active Member
hey i have been experimenting with bag seed just to try to get it right before i use better quality more expensive seeds and i am wondering techniques on how to germinate. i have been trying to use the paper towel method and it seems to be working somewhat. after about 24 hrs some of the seeds seem to crack and i see on some a small white tail(barely visible) and some i see a cotton like thing poking out, and some just seem to crack with nothing showing.

i am wondering if i should keep them wrapped up in the paper towel longer because the pictures i see on here the tails are pretty long up to an inch and a half. and if i see no action in a few days should i consider them garbage?

sorry if that seems hard to understand i am trying to get a lot of info out of my head so that i can get the right answers just trying to learn as much as possible so i can get it right

thanks for any information its all helpful


Well-Known Member
Leave em in the paper towels for a while. Give the others a chance to germinate. It can take several days. Also, let the "tails" on your germinated seeds get a little bit bigger (about 1/4 of an inch long) before planting.