Germination quesion: after they crack how much root tip until planting?


Well-Known Member
Only have four seeds total(3 strain-2,1,1) so I have to be perfect here.

They all popped a couple days ago and I checked them this morning and three seeds look the same- no root lengthening. I was thinking I need to wait until the tips lengthen to around a quarter inch but I also don't want to leave them in the wet paper towel medium too long either- fear of rot. One seed was perfect so it is in the planter. The three I have left just aren't "busting" out.

So my question is how much root tip before I drop them in the planting mix? I would just like to see them with a hearty root tip so I know they are trying to move forward.

I have carefully removed excess moisture so they are still moist but not soaked.
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Active Member
from when u see the root coming out a nice little bit i just drop it in the soil give them a water in the top (walla) within a week


Active Member
I didn't wait for a root, planted after seeds cracked. All of them turned into nice plants. I think it doesn't matter, because there is a little difference for seeds between moist paper towel and moist growing mix. In addition, the roots will start growing in the right direction from the beginning.

Farmer J

Active Member
onces you see the tip put the seeds in 1in x 1in starter medium and put under a humnidity dome and mist when needed. once you see roots (1-2 weeks) then transplant and start the nute program for veg. depending on the strain, veg 2-6 weeks them dump your nutes and start the flowering.