Germinating Seeds In Glass Of Water


Active Member
What’s up Guys! I need some input! So I used the paper towel method and put two critical jack herer seeds inside and one sprouted about an inch long but the other didn’t do a thing. It’s been 4 days and still nothing. So I dropped the seed in a glass of water and it sunk to the bottom to see if it’s viable. It’s sitting in my cabinet now. What should I do? Should I just plant the seed? Wait till it sprouts in the glass of water? Is it still good? Thanks...


Well-Known Member
I only use soaking/paper towel method if I am trying to coax some seeds that are on the old side into germinating. Anything relatively fresh goes straight into the dirt.


Active Member
I tried some method that proved to be working even on very stubborn seeds.
Whether you are going to use paper towel or class of water does not seem to matter much but I will give you three options and all have worked fine with me.

All you need is Hydrogen Peroxide( I used 3% solution)

Use about one teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide on a glass of water(250ml) and mix it with water. If you want it simple just drop your seeds into a glass and put it on a window seal as it is. Do not worry about sunlight, it actually will help if it is exposed to sunlight for some time.

For the second and third method use the same solution that you mix in a glass of water and a zip bag but instead of dropping your seeds in a glass water you can do either of the following:

1) put a bit of perlite in a zip bag, pour a bit of solution in it but not to a point that perlite is floating in a bag. Then put your seeds in a bag so they are touching perlite. Zip the bag and put it on a window seal.

2) do the same but instead use a paper towel wet in this solution. Wrap your seeds in the paper towel, zip it and put it on a window seal.

I think the best one will be with perlite as you can see when they germinate. I tried all three and and seems that they are germinating within a day in a zipped bag and they can even start growing green stem inside if you keep them there for a long time. I would say I have had almost like 100% rate this way. Without Hydrogen Peroxide and exactly the same seeds I barely could germinate 1 seed out of 10.

Do not be scared to open a zip bag to look inside. I have done it many times and it has not affected anything.


Active Member
I tried some method that proved to be working even on very stubborn seeds.
Whether you are going to use paper towel or class of water does not seem to matter much but I will give you three options and all have worked fine with me.

All you need is Hydrogen Peroxide( I used 3% solution)

Use about one teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide on a glass of water(250ml) and mix it with water. If you want it simple just drop your seeds into a glass and put it on a window seal as it is. Do not worry about sunlight, it actually will help if it is exposed to sunlight for some time.

For the second and third method use the same solution that you mix in a glass of water and a zip bag but instead of dropping your seeds in a glass water you can do either of the following:

1) put a bit of perlite in a zip bag, pour a bit of solution in it but not to a point that perlite is floating in a bag. Then put your seeds in a bag so they are touching perlite. Zip the bag and put it on a window seal.

2) do the same but instead use a paper towel wet in this solution. Wrap your seeds in the paper towel, zip it and put it on a window seal.

I think the best one will be with perlite as you can see when they germinate. I tried all three and and seems that they are germinating within a day in a zipped bag and they can even start growing green stem inside if you keep them there for a long time. I would say I have had almost like 100% rate this way. Without Hydrogen Peroxide and exactly the same seeds I barely could germinate 1 seed out of 10.

Do not be scared to open a zip bag to look inside. I have done it many times and it has not affected anything.
Interesting. Just checked again and still no sprout. So put a teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide in a glass of room temp water 250ml and let it sit? For how long? Can I put it in my Cabinet or does it have to be out in the open?


Active Member
I cannot say if it is going to work in dark environment as I have not tried it. I kept all mine on a window seal. May be it worked on the seal because of sunlight or warmth or combination of both. But the same seeds in plain water sitting on the same seal did not do anything good to my seeds.

I cannot say for sure why it helps as it is not my method. Try youtube for Hydrogen Peroxide and cannabis seeds. As far as I can recall it it is explained as some seeds may still have some tiny layer of a skin on them as well as some may be covered in oil and it prevents for water to go inside a seed. Hydrogen Peroxide helps to break the skin and oil and that what helps with germination.

I have 100s of seeds so my experiment has been done with at least 30-40 of them. Almost all of them germinated. Some straight away in less than 24 hours some have taken a bit more. I have had to dispose most of them in a garden as I only needed 7. All growing fantastic buds now and are 4 weeks in flowering.

I used normal tap water method before with the seeds that I bought from a seed bank. All 20 germinated on a window seal within 2-3 days. This time however seeds were from my plants and I did not really take care of storing them properly and I did not do any type of cleaning. They were stored just at the bottom of my container where I kept my first grow harvest falling from buds.


Active Member
BTW, I used the same solution to water my dying seedlings. I decided to try Jiffy Pellets for germination and watered pellets too much. They sprouted but pellets were very wet all the time and it was killing seedlings.

When I realised it I moved them into small pots with soil. I thought their roots my not be healthy after sitting so long in wet pellets. However even after that they did not look good. So I decided to try to water them with this solution. Just did it once and surprisingly it did not hurt them at all and they all recovered,


Well-Known Member
I pop my seeds into jiffy's after soaking and sinking seeds in a luke warm glass of water - works well, they usually pop up on day 5