germinated seeds

rob butts

Well-Known Member
hey guys, a few of my seeds just sprouted and hte white shoot is about 1/4 inch long maybe alittle less, but what do you guys think i should do at this time? i mean i definitely can't plant them outside yet, because it's still really cold.


Active Member
put them in a cup of potting soil or something and put them in front of a window to catch a little sun.

dont pack down the soil either, that way the roots will develop a little faster.


Well-Known Member
Buy a cheap grow light. I have found a cheap light at Lowe's for $12.00. I puts out a good spectrum. I think it is 21"(fluorescent). Great for starting seedlings. It puts out literally no heat. You can place it right on top of soil and plant.
I have 13 plants 1 week old and they are all about 6" with 2 sets of leaves.
lighting 24hrs of course.


New Member
the best thing to do for seedlins is my bottle idea go in the outdoor growing section and look for seedlings in a bottle this idea really works and u like never have to watter them


Active Member
i have sprouted my seeds in paper towels
they have about 2 1/2 inch sprouts on them from a week in the towel
i cant grow inside- and the ground is still frozen and covered with a little snow/ice. what should i do? keep letting them sprout?


Well-Known Member
Well if you cant grow them indoors you definately jumped the gun, put the seeds with the white root tip facing up(it will naturally hook down later, pushing the cateledens out faster than had you placed the root down) into a dixi cup or jiffy pot with moist soil and place them somewhere warm indoors until they break surface. afterwards you should bring them out to a sunny place every day and bring it back in to spend the night somewhere warm. this is of course a lot more work and harder to successfully keep them alive this early. you might want to wait till late may to early june and try again....

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
would it be ok to use like 2 23 wat CFL's instead?
yes, cfls are fantastic.. you should keep them close to your foliage.. Do not use a clear cup.....

if you can get your hands on a 43 watt cfl you will be VERY impressed wit the growth..



Active Member
ahh shit... so just maybe keep them under a desk lamp until i go to bed after i get back from classes then put them in a warm place until i get back from classes the next day?