Germinated! Now What?


Well-Known Member
i just germinated my seeds ( 6 g13 super skunk) i have a 600w hps lamp and a grow box of 5" H 6" W 4" D so i cant grow my plants very high, do i just put the seedlings straight under the 600w hps and how long should i veg for to keep the plants small and bushy. thanks:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You need to put them in some soil and be easy with them for the first week. I normally put them by a window for a few days until they get established then I give them the lights :hump:


Well-Known Member
Don't bury them deep just like finger nail deep. If you ahve to put them under light, keep them way to the side for a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Veg them until the limbs go asymetrical (not straight across anymore). That means she is mature. If you want bushy........Top her when she is 14 inches high 2 inches down. give her 2 weeks to recover and induce flowering.


Well-Known Member
thnx guys i put them under 3 18w cfls and they have taken nicely got about 2cm of growth thanx