George W. Bush, for prosecution!


Well-Known Member
Well... I know this isn't exactly the popular stance, but I personally don't see Bush as a war criminal. Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, let me explain, as succinctly as I can, why I feel this way.

First and foremost, Bush tends to act more as a puppet. He knew from the get-go that he didn't have all the knowledge necessary to be president, so he consciously selected people for his cabinet, and the most important position he selected for was vice-president.

The issues that we suffer today are, in my opinion, a direct result of the machinations of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Tenet. Bush just put his stamp on it (the stuff he knew about). THEY are the people I feel should be held accountable before Bush.

That's it, me trying to fit it all into a nutshell. :D


Well-Known Member
Is LoudBlunts creating new accounts to follow me around in? How pathetic. I already reported his ass for harrassment, little troll keeps following me to every thread and tries to goad me into an insult war.

first off, you really is an idiot...clearly you cant read..... his join date says jan 2008...

second... How pathetic? want to talk about pathetic, i wasnt going to call your ass out....but lets talk about how you pulled a BITCHMOVE, tattle telling ass punk. How the hell you going to be the main one insulting people....but yet when someone fires back at your punk go and cry to the staff, what a fucking pussy. You fucking big baby. Cant take it, dont dish it flaming ass douchebag. If anything in this thread would be would be that.

third.....follow you around? motherfucker really who are you? you're one of george bush's groupies. I laugh at you...... why would i follow you? when i would already know where you would be? lol on your knees sucking off george dubb!!!! follow you? you dont sign my check nor pay my bills....i could give fucks about ya....

and thanks for admitting to the forum how pussy you are...

yall here that? Zenmaster the one who insults in EVERY THREAD just reported somebody for insulting.....

so now i guess you left us the duty of reporting your ass everytime you even think of insulting or name calling....thanks!!!1


Well-Known Member
first off, you really is an idiot...clearly you cant read..... his join date says jan 2008...

second... How pathetic? want to talk about pathetic, i wasnt going to call your ass out....but lets talk about how you pulled a BITCHMOVE, tattle telling ass punk. How the hell you going to be the main one insulting people....but yet when someone fires back at your punk go and cry to the staff, what a fucking pussy. You fucking big baby. Cant take it, dont dish it flaming ass douchebag. If anything in this thread would be would be that.

third.....follow you around? motherfucker really who are you? you're one of george bush's groupies. I laugh at you...... why would i follow you? when i would already know where you would be? lol on your knees sucking off george dubb!!!! follow you? you dont sign my check nor pay my bills....i could give fucks about ya....

and thanks for admitting to the forum how pussy you are...

yall here that? Zenmaster the one who insults in EVERY THREAD just reported somebody for insulting.....

so now i guess you left us the duty of reporting your ass everytime you even think of insulting or name calling....thanks!!!1
First off little troll, I never insult anyone first, you get your feathers ruffled so you fire off a few cheap shots, I retaliate and ridicule you. You are a little fag who lurks forums wanting an internet insult war, you are the worst kind of scum.

I don't have time to play games with you, if you want to spam your bullshit go to there are plenty of little kids your age you can quote from Yeah your right, I totally reported you ass, your a fucking annoying little kid who follows me to different threads and tries to start a fight with me, I thought I could solve your nagging ass by simply ignoring you, but obviously I underestimated your immaturity. You had to be dealt with someone beyond me because apparently you are oblivious to see how annoying you are. go away you fucking troll.


Well-Known Member
one more reported post in my in box and you both go on time out for 7 days. either stop crying to me, this IS the politics section, or take a break. i've spoken to you both and it's over. thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
what's your story? :-? do i need to keep an eye on you as well? just jumpin' in for a few blows or what? :-|

it's "you're", as in "you are pathetic". sheesh.:roll:
No i just think it is pathetic that someone would make another account to follow someone around and start arguments. I also think its stupid just because someone doesn't think bush is all that bad they get bombed with rude comments and being cursed out just for stating opinions about the president. It's stupid.


Well-Known Member
No i just think it is pathetic that someone would make another account to follow someone around and start arguments. I also think its stupid just because someone doesn't think bush is all that bad they get bombed with rude comments and being cursed out just for stating opinions about the president. It's stupid.
Thank. You.


Well-Known Member
just jumpin' in for a few blows or what? :-|
No I'm not jumping in for a few blows. Even if i was I don't think it should be a problem. If you look throughout the thread you'll see people jumping in just to say comments like, "Bush and his supporters should die" etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
No i just think it is pathetic that someone would make another account to follow someone around and start arguments. I also think its stupid just because someone doesn't think bush is all that bad they get bombed with rude comments and being cursed out just for stating opinions about the president. It's stupid.
and you know someone made a new account how? i would be the first to know. and believe me, i would know. :mrgreen: you are making false acquisitions, my friend.


Well-Known Member
and you know someone made a new account how? i would be the first to know. and believe me, i would know. :mrgreen: you are making false acquisitions, my friend.
Ok, maybe he didn't make a new account. Still pathetic to talk so much shit to someone because of their opinions. You don't have to agree with someone but talking shit and the immature name calling really isn't needed.