Genetics based on how seeds look?


Well-Known Member
First time grower,

Random prorobly ignorant question but.....

Is there any way to determine genetics, ie Sativa/indica, 50/50, entirely one or the other, by just looking at the seed, as far as some are lighter brown with no black on them, some are dark brown with black speckling, some are almost black, etc.

What does this mean.........or does it mean anything at all?



Well-Known Member
I have always heard that the color was a sighn of the seeds maturity, good question, maybe someone has a good answer.

Did i spell sighn wrong? is it sine, sign, sihn, i need a dictionalry.


Well-Known Member
There's spots, tiger stripes and all sorts. To tell the strain by sight is not possible because of the genetics of it all.


Well-Known Member
Well to bump this old thread for more info, is there any way to determine based on how the seed looks which it would be more inclinded to be.....sativa vs indica??

Do sativas usually have a darker color??
