General question about plants entering flowering stage...1st time

Whats shakin...My plant has just begun the flowering stage for the last 5 days (lights changed from 24/7 to 12/12). I have 1 plant that was starting 2 show many preflowers so I decided to flower after getting advice from a poster on RIU. Now the preflowers are beginning to turn brownish-red, and Im somewhat concerned that they are actually dying (Im not blaming the guy for his advice, it was prolly something I'm doin wrong). Im not sure if this is normal but I am concerned so if any1 cud help me with that plz do. Am I just worrying or is this a problem that I have 2 fix? If so, any advice is appreciated.

On a side note, I never added any nutrients throughout the 1 month veg phase, and after transplanting a 16 in plant from a 2 quart container to a 5 gallon pot, I added some organic tomato food as nutes (have bloom nutrients but I think its 2 soon 4 that). Instructions were to sprinkle on soil (approx 2 tbsp) and water till slightly flushed. After doing that my plant grew >8 inches in 3 days but the preflower thing still concerns me. Can this be because of adding 2 much nutes? I just fed again today, but the growth really slowed down the last 2 days. Is this normal?

Lastly, My plant looks like it will get way too big if it continues to grow at this rate. Its about 30 inches, and the flowering stage adds roughly 2-3 feet to the plant right? (I really am a rookie try to read a bit but unexpected things happen all the time) I was thinking about cutting off the top 5-6 nodes and cloning. Will the plant die, become a vegging clone, or just continue to flower if left under 12/12? Or should I not attempt this because of the damage it will cause the "mother" during the flowering phase, leading to reduced yields.

FTR, I have a 500 watt hps, a couple 65 watt cfl, and a couple of fluorescent tubes. The hps was added the same time the plant was transplanted so it most likely contributed to the rapid growth. If u need any other info, I'll tell u what I can. Help is appreciated, but I still dont have a good camera. Tell me what you can please and I'll try to take it from there. I feel like I'll have wasted 2 much time on this if I lose it now.
the change in light cycles can slow growth so I would not be so concerned with that. As far as the color of the calyx, is it just the flowers or the leaf stems as well? I
would not suggest cloning or cutting several nodes at this point, lots of shock, could hermie it. LST may be a solution to your height issue.
the change in light cycles can slow growth so I would not be so concerned with that. As far as the color of the calyx, is it just the flowers or the leaf stems as well? I
would not suggest cloning or cutting several nodes at this point, lots of shock, could hermie it. LST may be a solution to your height issue.
no the leaf stems seem fine to me. They are a mix of green and red and have been so from the beginning i think. LST is low stress training right? Im really new to this but ill try if necessary, and Ill stay away from cloning then. I was just reading a thread on how to do LST and it says you are supposed to start early while the main stem is very flexible, so it'll prolly be hard for me right? Then again the premise is simple enough, bend the plant and expose other parts to more light right? I just hope I dont kill the thing.

Still need some answers so if any1 out there has advice, please feel free. Im all ears


Keep ur lights close as possible without damage, bend if necessary, and try to make it through the stretch period.....I've noticed mine slow down about 2 weeks into flower.......


Try and keep ur base straight and slowly bend the top of the plant, go a little at a tome till u get a feel for her.....