general nutrition help

Im loojing for some help using and understanding nutes. Ok so I have not used many nutes in the past just all round stuff from the garden centre. What I don't under stand is I see people say "this plant likes allot of nutes"
but how do you know how much to give a plant?
Do you change the ratio to give more?
and do I feed separately to water? Because at the moment I just add feed to my watering can and water every other day. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Generally people water/water/feed...starting with half the recommended strength on the botttle
You can tell how hungry a plant is by fading of lower leafs; more nutes...or fading (or "burning") of new growth; less nutes. But it is a little more complex than that ;-)
It does takes a while to tune in to any particular plants needs though, but gets easier with experience.
Generally people water/water/feed...starting with half the recommended strength on the botttle
You can tell how hungry a plant is by fading of lower leafs; more nutes...or fading (or "burning") of new growth; less nutes. But it is a little more complex than that ;-)
It does takes a while to tune in to any particular plants needs though, but gets easier with experience.
Thanks bro that is just what i needed to know. ✌


Well-Known Member
I believe a grower should have a quality nute from a reputable company (unless you mix supersoil), but it's not absolutely necessary.. I feel that they are PH buffered and have better ingredients than MG. That could just be good marketing though. I've seen decent plants grown with store-bought stuff. Personally, I like peace of mind.

When using bottled nutes you need to follow the feeding schedule listed on the company's website. The bottles always recommend way too much nutes because they are assuming that you are not using the whole line of nutes.. This info will conflict with what's on the feeding chart online. The feeding chart is the way to go.

Also consider getting a TDS Meter. These things are awesome and cost around $15 - $20 on amazon. HM Digital is a good one,, I use ALL of the time. I use it to check the quality of my water that I drink and I use it to measure my nutes.

In soil you want to start out with low PPM and then work up to around 800 ppm which wold be full strength nutes. It's nice because you can be assured that you are delivering the correct amount of nutes. Also, if you are using tap water you want to know what your starting PPM is. Mine is 500 PPM. That is ridiculously high and it's not ideal for growing.

One nice and very affordable method of Nuting is to use the Lucas formula. I think it's tried and true. just get the Floranova bloom and add 8ml, use this throughout your entire grow. No TDS required.

Yes, Feed/water/water. Allow for some runoff. This clears the roots and soil of built up salts (fertilizer). I find that I end up watering or feeding every 3 days or so in bloom. So I give her nutes every 9-10 days.

What's funny is nutes have been marketed as plant food. They're really not. They're more like vitamins and minerals that allow our bodies to function. Light is the food source.


Well-Known Member
Is there any reason to water/water/fertilize rather than water/fertilize?
I personally water fert water fert ......and just like mentioned above always start out with a small dose when feeding and work your way up I usually go at half strength on bottled nutes then go from there ......also when you water again like mentioned above water thoroughly and let it dry before watering again The dry/wet period is super crucial to MJ Good watering habits is a major key to healthy girls. Good luck Happy growing