Geminating seeds!


Well-Known Member
just got my hands on some fresh GG seeds
and wondering your most successful ways of germinating seeds.

last time i tried the paper towel meth my germed seeds died.

any advise would be great


Well-Known Member
How did you do the paper towel method?

Dont completely soak the tower, just get it nice and moist. Puts seeds inbetween it and put it on a plate, then put a plate over that one to make a dome like shape. Keep in a dark place.

Ive only done it once when I was just bullshititng around and all 10 seeds I put in germinated. Some took as long as week, but in the end, they all did it. I used the 'germination kit' things with the Snow White seeds Ive got now, and worked perfectly!


Well-Known Member
I think what happened with mine was maybe
either over heating the seeds and or,
something that was in the paper towel that killed the seeds?


Active Member
I think what happened with mine was maybe
either over heating the seeds and or,
something that was in the paper towel that killed the seeds?
i germ in wet paper towel in zip bag and i put it on a random cfl light and in 2 days the root was nice and SHARP.


Active Member
i put mine in paper towel wet real good put under sink. about 12 hrs later wet papertowel again every 12 hrs i check within a 36 to 48 hr period i get roots then plant