Gb 2014


Well-Known Member
Very nice!

Will you be topping them? What node do you top at for your grow?

Thanks for good inspiration, will be starting my season Tuesday.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Ive been kicking ass around the farm since I finally got some new waterproof work boots. Been kinda rainy and cold, but we need the rain.
I hauled 12 yards into garden yesterday (wheelbarrow). And today I just ordered another 12yds. This time I spent the extra for 20% perlite mixed in ($60yd).
For a total of 24 yards new soil added to existing 24 yards (inground). My fiancé isn't happy about these price tags, but that's why Im the boss :)
Finally I can blow up pics :)


Well-Known Member
$60 a yard is no joke.....Wish could get that here...
Yeah, no shit! I can't get it delivered in bumfucked KY like that. I have a pretty good pile of horse shit I've been turning for a year and it looks like rich dirt now. This year, I'm mixing 2 gallons of manure with 2 gallons of peat, a half gallon perlite and 2 cups of Epsoma brand organic flowering fertilizer and making my own soil.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
More excellent spring weather this week (mid 80's). I have 7 of my raised beds completed. Digging up my used soil and roots is more work than I was expecting lol. I am sifting my used soil thru a chicken wire screen table, discarding roots. Then I mix in new soil, screened used soil and 3/4 bag perlite #3. Each hole is almost 2 yards now :)
I topped the majority of the tall girls. My second batch of seedlings are yellow, but I just gave them their first feeding of MaxSea. Seasons coming quick, gotta keep moving :)

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
It got hot outside, so I decided to post some update pics.I ripped out 2 rows of old boxes. I decided on trying 10 of my plants in 200 gallon smart pots. Me and Mrs. have a bet going. She believes the raised beds will do favorably better (yield), I believe they will produce similar to barely noticeable difference.
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