Gas rip off again ... $2.80 what to fight back?


New Member
Gas Prices have little if anything to do with the Government. It's commodities traders and wall street that drive those prices up.
When the Energy Bubble Burst (which I predicted) The prices dropped over night. This is because the price of a barrel of oil dropped from $120.00 to around $32.00 a barrel. Right now the price for a barrel of oil is at $68.44 a BBL and is predicted to top out at around $90.00 a BBL.
Incorrect. Opec sets the prices, not the oil companies. Supply and demand are the keys.

Since the fed's have at least a 50 cent tax on every gallon of gas sold in the US, you are wrong there as well.


Well-Known Member
Commodities Traders are not the oil companies and you are partially correct about OPEC, but you are wrong about how much the Fed tacks on in Taxes, the federal tax on a gallon is 18.4 cents , most of the taxes that are tacked on to a gallon of gas it levied by the states.
Your Talking to someone who lives and works in the oil patch.


New Member
Yes I misspoke when i stuck in feds on the tax. Govt. tax is a better fit.

Commodities isn't a rigged game. It's all about what corps are willing to pay. A tanker of oil bound from the Middle East can be bought and sold repeatedly many times before it reaches a port. Supply and demand are the keys, not fiat pricing.

what... huh?

Active Member
LOL no sht.

I like crackerjax. Follows debate code. I am out of practice with people who play by the rules. When I finally figure out something we disagree on it should be pretty fun.

Care to toss out some chum?


Well-Known Member
holds 15 gallons. i can empty it in about 5 to 6 hours of HARD riding. i love gasoline. my ride.jpg
