Fusarium Wilt? Take a look...


Active Member
First lets look at some pictures:

Not counting the pot I would say she stands about 2'6" tall. Kinda slowed in getting taller once it started flowering in full force. You can see droopy leaves on the bottom of the plant.

In the last picture you can kinda see how the very tip of most leaves are a wilting and turn crisp to the touch. I have a feeling it might just be because the light was too close? I'm hoping its that and not my other assumption: Fusarium Wilt.

Here's the deal. I have a water reservoir - basically just a Rubbermaid trash can filled with water which I pH balance as best I can before using it for watering. I remember thinking that the water smelled similar to an aquarium I once had... and since this smell is normal in aquariums, thought nothing of it.

Now I'm thinking I might have had a reservoir full of fusarium wilt bacteria, and have been feeding my precious female this the whole time.

Take a look at this... the bottom leaves have pretty much ALWAYS been a little pale and drooped a little. I figured it was because little light got down there, which is certainly the case with the foilage I've got going on.

I'm hoping I can fix the problem by adding some 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to the water, which I did yesterday. Now the reservoir smells pretty chlorinated for some reason. Is that ok? I hope so... heh.

Any advice or opinions are greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
you maybe over watering, also try to airate the water add a air pump with a bubbler. airrater will help disolve any chemicals. also let those baby dry they look wet. hey good luck


Active Member
you maybe over watering, also try to airate the water add a air pump with a bubbler. airrater will help disolve any chemicals. also let those baby dry they look wet. hey good luck
Have had an air bubbler since day 1. For no other reason than I knew it was a must for aquariums... haha.

And I make sure and check the bottom of the soil ball (by lifting out the plant) each time before I water. If anything I'm underwatering...

Thanks for your help tho. Reps given.