funny thing about pot heads.


Elite Rolling Society
I believe I can focus on DRIVING much better when stoned, and there are some games I can play better when I am stoned. But there are some tasks I can not do stoned because I lose my ambition.

And I can still remember back in the early 80s, I went to a funeral for a friend very stoned, BIG MISTAKE!!! Some other stoner near me farted and I got the giggles then as the stinky smell spread, a bunch of other stoners got the giggles while the preacher was preaching. I think even some straight people got to laughing too and a few of us had to get up and leave because we could not stop laughing.
I won't ever go to another funeral stoned.........unless it is my own. LOL

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
we're always laughing. poking fun. even when being very serious. i try this shit at work and my boss and co-workers just look at me. i'm like, "what, it's funny". they think i'm a dork and unintelligent. just because i see humor in everything. i love the pot. :hump::hump::peace:
My thoughts exactly...I completely understand what you mean when you say they think your just unintelligent or wierd...I too see humor in every single situation im in during the day...
I find myself laughing at things others simply wouldnt see as funny...
Many times ppl dont even understand my humor...
But I just feel bad for those ppl, because they are the ones obviously lacking intelligence on some level, as well as cleverness...:peace: