funny coloration on leaves? help plz!!! :(


Active Member
Hey my plant is currently 3 weeks old and is looking rather healthy and bushy but it has funny spots on the leaves and it doesn't look good at all. Does anyone know what could be wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated i dont want my baby to die :(



^i was thinking that myself, but doesnt look as black as what i have seen... looks a splotchy dark green???


Well-Known Member
It could be something as simple as over-watering. But check out the "GrowFAQ" section at top of this page and look at number 7 under plant problems. But as the other guy said, it doesn't look good. Good Luck my friend. Also, possible Ph problem, check Ph level first.


Well-Known Member
Yeah..I agree..Thimgs dont look good. there are many things that can be wrong...What kind of soil are you using, what kind of, grow room temp and humidity? It would also be nice to know the strain you are growing.