Fungus Gnats


My mother plant sits in a 5 gal with 2 gals of nute solution. How many "mosquito donuts" should I use? This "go-nat" shit doesn't work very well on larvae.


Well-Known Member
just break one up and toss it in. it'll fuck up their digestive system in a few days and you'll notice them dying. repeat in a week or two if they're still breeding.


Well-Known Member
I never used that stuff. For the gnats I have I use granulated neem and toss it in my coco mix before potting. If they appear half way through the grow I just work some into the top of the coco and water
I add neem oil right to the water, about 2 tsp/gal a couple times a month. I've drained out thousands of larvae this way.


Give yourself an extra 4 inches of bark at the base. Just like you were lollipopping the plant. Then pour a 3.5 inch layer of sand on the surface of the soil. You can sterilyze the sand by baking it for little while. i cant remember how long. You can easily find it though through google.


Active Member
From what I hear, diametrcueas? earth is what you need. It's basically sea shells ground up and you cover the top layer of soil with it. It slices them when landing and they bleed to death. Havent tried, but it makes sense and its natural.


Well-Known Member
nematodes for the win, I particularly like the part about how they enter the mouth , respiratory system and most importantly the anus of the larvae! and they have teeth.


Well-Known Member
the mosquito dunks are a bacteria, BT, I forget the actual name but they don't seem to work too well in hydro.


Well-Known Member
the dunks will take awhile to work, basically the larvae eat the bacteria and get sick , the great part is the first thing it does to them is make them stop eating(your roots). the nematodes will enter the larvae and then secrete an enzyme which dissolves/digests the larvae .


Well-Known Member
or I hear you can do like the one dude says on the other thread, dry your shit out, this isn't as easy in hydro.