Fully automated growing software/hardware???


New Member

So I've been looking into fully automated grow system and have not found much to my satisfaction. So the idea is basically acquiring an integrated system with hardware (sensors) to control temperature levels and adjust accordingly, light hour and color controls, watering sensors and automated sprinklers, fans, humidity levels, ph and nutes, video monitoring... The hardware could have accessibility to connect the monitoring for each individual plant. In turn, this could then connect via usb to any computer where you can view the your grow progress plant by plant. Talking it a step further, an app would be great for accessibility.

An example I can think of is with my bicycle sensors. I have an app called RoadBike (free) which tells me for each training session my speed, hill climb, maps out the trajectory and at the end graphs my split times. Additional, this company sells a heart rate monitor and a cadence (how many pedal turns per km) which enriches the information i can review. Applied to growing, these sensors could in turn trigger actions to keep an optimized growing environment.

You basically plant the seed and come back months later to find the resin filled beauty!

Anyone know of a system of this sort? I know nothing replaces TLC and patience but seems like an interesting topic on which i've seen little.

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Yea lets start a convo on this....ive been thinkin about it for months ...itll be awesome...and pretty expensive. i do know for a fact that their is some sort of contraption that helps you alot and you can basically grow from a fuckin laptop.. buuuut wat about insects/mold/mildew etc you would need a pretty bad ass camera and a shit load of other gear . so itll be hard to make it fool proof..but hey you never know


Well-Known Member
I've never looked into whether there is a ready made system, but I know all the equipment is out there to build something like this. I would think it could get complicated trying to automate it to a set-and-forget type setup. There are automatic light,co2,temperature, humidity, nutrient controllers,etc. There are ec/ppm/ph meters that have outputs on them. As for insects, mold,etc a well planned air system with hepa filters,uv lighting and electronic filtering would take care of that,a sulfur burner in the room could add an extra level of protection. Im assuming it would be hydro, so your talking solenoid operated valving to control feed cycles, water makeup, nute mixing, dump/flush/mix new cycles,etc. It's going to get expensive if it's going to be done right..but if it could be designed as a plug and play system..there could be a market..probably a limited market..I could see a 6'x6' automated tent costing $5K+ easy. Then there's the issue that every system will be a little different, are you going to design an automated system that covers every possible scenario, driving up the cost. I guess a base system with add on modules could keep cost down and allow an automated system that could be tailored to the guy growing 2 plants in dirt in a closet up to a commercial grower running hundreds of plants in a aero system. I know I just got a little deep in this subject, but it seems like a cool idea..personally I don't think I could stay out of a grow room..it's a relaxing place for me.


New Member
Great feedback WeedFreak! So yes all the sensors already exist... The main idea is unifying all these sensors and units into a single easy to use software. A good place to start might be by setting up a fully controlled grow environment and working with a developer to unify the components into a single unit/ program. It would also be a good idea to speak to the existing unit manufacturers on the possibility of allowing pc connectivity for their devices. Your company could then focus on selling the software and main unit to which the sensors connect and could also act as a reseller of the units from compatible manufacturers. Once the software is set up it could easily be made compatible for 2 or 2000 plants (depending on your processing capabilities). For large growers you could have to option of monitoring by batch, row, room, or even individual plant. The software should come with pre-set programs for beginners and an advanced option to individually control each sensor. Note that this is not limited to the growing of marijuana and could also find a market in other environment sensitive grows such as flowers, eggplant, lettuce, tomatoes, herbs etc. The tent is a good idea for a controlled environment and good light however the software should respond to any (reasonable) conditions.