fucking timer!


Active Member
Hey guys, my timer didn't work today I don't know why but is it bad in any way that it gained 3 hours of light?


Well-Known Member
I am assuming three hours of EXTRA light, it will not hurt your plant. Get a new timer and carry on as usual, what cycle are your plants in?



It could be bad if you are on flowering schedule. In that case you have to watch out for hermies. I would take my chance and continue growing, because even if I get hermies, I will probably still have some smokable harvest.

Some timers can't handle the currents that are going on while turning on/off a hid light. You have to change to a better quality timer.


Well-Known Member
Freaking timers drive me bat shit crazy. Lights suddenly go out when theyre not supposed to for some unknown reason. The digital timers are a pain in the ass to set. I have like 5 of them running off and on all the time and they drive me nuts.