Fucking Earthquake on East Coast


Well-Known Member
I could feel it.....that rumbling in my loins .....That wasnt an earthquake. lol

Seriously though, I need to go read the news today, there was a quake? Are people alright?.

I'll go look it up. Ty for the heads up.


Active Member
Hit in Virginia 5.9 magnitude, Felt some of the after shock where I'm at. As far as shit being fucked up no clue


Well-Known Member
What are we suppose to do?? Go in basement? Go under a table?? all i know is i'm tying everything down in my grow tent!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm in Florida right now.......I didn't feel a thing.

you guys can keep that stuff....if it happens here, lower FLA will break off, and I'll be on an island in the middle of the ocean.


Pickle Queen
LOL i was just trying to locate the damn channel myself, fuckin satelite lmfao 2 many channels!!!