Fuck!! Spider mites!!!


Active Member
:confused:im maybe 6 weeks into flower,give r take. lots of white hairs and some even red and my topper jus starting to develop..came home today and noticed these bitches are everywhere!!this my first plant in a closet in a bedroom..am i fucked?? cuz that would b a bummer...:-?

Fallen Buckshot

if its in a closet you can prolly put a no pest strip up in there during lights off to keel them buggers .. ive used several sprays with neem but it doesnt seem to do much more than thin them out for abit so i will prolly try this as well as long as you have about 4 weeks left on them should be ok


Active Member
using a light oil--such as vegetable oil. Using 2 TBS oil/gallon is sufficient, you can add a teaspoon of baking soda for a bit of antifungal. Remember to keep shaking the solution in the container to keep the oil mixed with the water. Spray thoroughly on all sides of the leaves.
FOLLOW UP with a soap solution about 7 days later. Using 2 tsp/gallon of Joy or Dawn (dog shampoo is great too) not only does a number on the pests, it helps clean off the oil treatment. I actually follow up with a third treatment in another week with the same soap solution.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
try the no pest strips while you have lights out. they work pretty well. spraying liquids on flowering plants can lead to problems...


they stress your plant and effect yield and potency and time in general so they are a pain, i use earth tone pink bottle at wal mart for my outdoor, never had problems indoor i dunno how people get mites, sorry man best of luck

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Ive used neem oil to control spider mites, but my bro had an outbreak 6 weeks into flower. He used Organicide (you can get it at home depot) and the mites didnt give him any more problems. The buds werent affected much if any, no smell/taste of the stuff. He got a Dr.Doom organic bomb after the harvest was over. Be sure to spray under the leaves, I like to spray them with the plant upside down.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Every time I got S.M. I lost the entire crop! This has happened twice in ten years.
If you can get the crop harvested before they spin the webs, you will at least have something to smoke. Good Luck...


Active Member
ya i herd SMs hate humidity..so ive been boiling pots of water and puttin them by my plant at night, also blowin sum of those plant suckers off with a can of air duster.. its only been 1 night and ive seen sum results..oh yea i think i got them by leaving my window open jus a tiny crack on the weekends i wasnt home..what about thoses flies in tha dirt?? are they harmful?? igot a few of thoses too!!lol


Active Member
so i came home today and saw what looked to be dam web formed under my topper..fuckin pissed me off, so wrapped the soil and stuck that bitch in the shower for a couple minutes..i herd your buds mold if u get them wet but im drying it fast so i hope that wont happen

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
The flies are thrips, and they can be taken care of by some strategicly placed flystrips. By adjusting humidity levels all you are doing is possibly slowing their reproductive cycle down...not good enough. If you plan on using that duster can your going to be doing that 2 times a day, and you are only displacing the live ones, the eggs will hatch and the cycle will continue. Go get yourself an organic pesticide. Azamax is your best choice, its expensive, but it can be applied upto the day of harvest without leaving any residue. Get down to your hydro store and pick some up, or go online and get it (ebay would be my choice). Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I was keeping them down with insecticidal soap which works great on vegging plants but the buds are too big for that now; I don't want to end up with soapy weed!. I put up a no-pest strip one week ago and now under the microscope I'm seeing dead adults, no live ones, few juveniles and fewer eggs. They work but you should limit your time in the space to under 4 hours a day according to the label, so if you were growing in your living quarters (closet) they might not be the best choice for your health.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm. thats an interesting tip, 50/50 doesnt seem dilluted enough.
I tried rubbing the underside of every fan leaf wearing a cotton glove sprayed with alcohol. I quickly learned two things:

There are Waaaaaay too many leaves in my grow to be thorough (and you have to be thorough)

There are more nooks and crannies on the underside of a fan leaf than you would believe. After treating a leaf I plucked it and examined in under the microscope. Sure enough, there was a lot of dead mites, but there were others clinging on the underside of the mid-rib and they were fine. You have to get them actually wet with alcohol. The fumes don't seem to bother them. Also, there were plenty of eggs remaining, so the problem would definitely recur.

Bombing and cleaning your rooms between runs is important as well as general housekeeping. It's a prolonged war, with many battles.:hump:


Active Member
i have been grabbing basically every leaf and nailing tha underside with cold ass water, then sleeping at night with tha A/C cranked!! the mites are surprisingly lessening probly due to tha drastic cold climate change..i kno this probly wasnt the best option for my plant, but its my first plant and learned alot from this bitch!! My next grow is going to be soo much more organized..il probly go with Indicas next time too. sativa was kind of a bitch in my 6 ft closet..


Well-Known Member
if your nugz are just now formin then you will be fine with neem oil OR a bomb, If u use neem then THOROUGHLY spray every single leaf top to bottem. (use neem at half strenghth too) I think you have a bigger prob then mites if the shit is just now formin after 6 weeks ? do u have pics? (some of them sativa's take alot longer though so i may be wrong)


Well-Known Member
I never thought I would say this but I would rather have spider mites 6 weeks into flower than I would to have 10 fried females. (pic)

If I were you I would go to Home Depot and get a couple of jars of lady bugs. They sell them in the garden center. Most anything you will spray on the flowers now would dry them up. Those fuckers are a bitch to deal with. Lady bugs or an organic fogger ($15) would be my first thing to do.

No pest strips are a deterrent meant to keep them from getting in in the first place and are not going to run them off of your plant. If you have two spider mites, you have hundreds or thousands. If you don't get them all gone, it is useless.

You have to wash your hands up after being outside before entering the room. Shower before entering and changing clothes if you have been outside in the yard doing things. I didn't get spider mites this go around but instead got 10 fried females due to the 1000hps creating too much heat for too long of a time.

Good luck. At least you are sort of close to harvest. If you see large webs then I think I'd chop them and make the best of what you have.



Well-Known Member
This is a FDD reply from a few days back, and a great idea. It relates to pyrethrum-type insect foggers (I believe) and was written re:thrips, but would certainly work for mites. You have to spray 2-3 weeks after initial battle to ensure egg death.

remove all pets . . . what i do is this, ................. the foggers have a little plastic tab under the "trigger" that locks it down when you push it. then you are supposed to set it on the floor, upright, and run. i take a pair if small scissors or clippers and i clip off the locking tab. then when my lights are off i sneak into my room and turn off the fans. i spray the fogger for about 10 seconds then stop spraying. fanning over the top off the canopy. DO NOT get it on the leaves directly. it will shrivel them up. i do a light fogging, wait 10 mins then turn my fans back on. wait 3 days and repeat. i do this 2 to three times and it seems to get everything."