Fuck off you may say, but its true.

doby mick

Active Member
Bollocks to getting baked on the bong and then trying to go to work and things, this morning got up half an hour early so that i could get a couple of bowls in before work, BIG MISTAKE never again, i dont know what i done but first of all we had dramas with the lift but ended up 25 mins in the lift, dont laugh i was only on the 3rd floor, then get down to car park and go over to my car and guess what the key wouldnt open the thing then some big fuck off guy starts shouting out the window about me trying to steal his motor, then just as i think it cant get any worse what happens the police turn up and decide to search me, and guess what i had a spliff that i had put in my jacket pocket about 2 months ago, so who thinks i went too work? no i didnt, after a street caution and a good lecture from a copper who was half my age, so i went home to the wife and we enjoyed 420 together well baked.:blsmoke: PS the moral of the story is take the day of every 420


Active Member
Did the cops arrive by car or did they rapell down the side of your building, arms blazing an'all? lol And why was that guy shouting you were trying to steal his motor? Maybe it was his motor cause your keys were not unlocking it!!!
What a way to start your day! Did you call in sick? What did you tell'em? hahahhaha

doby mick

Active Member
The excuse was so lame i dont even want to repete it on here, as beleive me if my boss heard this one again he would know where it came from lol


Well-Known Member
A spliff would be collateral evidence. Cops can only search for weapons for officer safety. There are other ways to attain collateral evidence, most cops use fear, and acheive this by self-incrimination. It could also be that you reeked of bud which may validate the search. Regardless, court fees are much better left out of the picture. Always watch your back, and stay alert. You never know what tomorrow holds.