Fuck Gnats!!! Help.


Well-Known Member
So I have gnats and am trying to take care of the stupid bastards, but my real question is, can they lay eggs in trichs, or just in soil?


Well-Known Member
seriously? where did u hear that? trichs are the plants defense mechanism from pests. u would hope they would lay thier eggs there as they would harden in resin. also, dont know how many eggs could fit in one trich. 2? 3? considering they lay about 100 larvae a day, boy that is a lot of work. I bet they would just rather lay them in the soil. if it is real bad, get some neem oil. if not too bad-sticky traps.


Well-Known Member
Cat urine? Never heard that one.. I just sit in my room with chopsticks for about an hour and drink saki.. Miagi-do style. Works great


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with gnats! i was told to use sand on the top of the soil, i tried this and now my damn cat is using my pots as a litter box! :fire::shock::spew:

thank goodness not in my grow room...sand has worked to slow down at least the little buggers



Elite Rolling Society
you cas pour lighter fliud on half of the dirt, set it on fire, and when the gnats run out, stab them with an ice pick! Or jsut pick them off with a .22 rifle!


Well-Known Member
.22??? thats a little overkill right l... this guys joking right??? i cant believe some of the people on this site.. thats just bullshit..
i hear cedar oil work. rosemary oil works, orange oil works, neem oil works, crude oil works, oil of olay works, rpg's etc


Well-Known Member
You don't need any of this shit. Just let your soil dry out between watering, you are probably watering too often. If you let your soil dry out it will kill the eggs, they supposedly only lay eggs in the top couple inches of the soil. I see a gnat every now and again in my cab. They never survive because I let my soil get pretty dry before I water, mary doesn't like "wet feet" anyway.


Well-Known Member
if you still have a problem and you can, try putting them outside in the cold for a spell.. fungus gnats hate the cold. (like 30 degrees for a couple hours).
the real solution is sterilize your soil in the oven before use. a couple hours at 200 degrees F should kill any eggs.


New Member
Gnats and other infestations are usually a sign that your plants are out of balance.... pests can prevail if you have over fertilized or under fertilized. Use oils to rid the gnats but your plants rhythm is out of whack more than likely.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Ive found that lowing the temp at the soil level and reducing the wetness of the soil their numbers reduce by a bit. Sticky fly paper is also effective but they also will stick to anything else possibly taring foliage or ruining resin. Gnatrol is pricey and smells like piss, but does get rid of the adolescent gnats, but not the adult ones. Good old Neem seemed to keep them from sucking on the steams.

The combination of sorts is the only way to remove fungus gnats in my exp.

:joint:Blaze One. Proper.


Elite Rolling Society
yes, I was joking. + REP 4 u, Cclark56. I was so tickled by the gnats getting trapped inside the trichomes, I had to add some more jokes.


Elite Rolling Society
Take your plant to the movie theater. Get inside and order some popcorn with extra salt, and let the gnats eat all they want. AFTER they eat enough, they will get thirsty, and get up, leave and go get a drink. When they do, you get up and leave without them, and your gnat free plant.


Well-Known Member
.22??? thats a little overkill right l... this guys joking right??? i cant believe some of the people on this site.. thats just bullshit..
i hear cedar oil work. rosemary oil works, orange oil works, neem oil works, crude oil works, oil of olay works, rpg's etc
it was a joke, take a breath, and relax bongsmilie, im not growing i soil and see like 1 or 2 every so often