Fuck conservatives


New Member
I say fuck conservatives. Are you with me or against me? Why beat around the bush, afterall this is what it is all about, right?? Do I hear a Fuck progressives??
I'll be glad to fill in the why's later.


Well-Known Member
Palin is a conservative and I would fuck her for sure. Oh and that Ann Coulter gal, I'd fuck her too.


Well-Known Member
I say fuck conservatives. Are you with me or against me? Why beat around the bush, afterall this is what it is all about, right?? Do I hear a Fuck progressives??
I'll be glad to fill in the why's later.
Med, YOU are conservative on certain issues man.

Why do you insist on generalizing people? All the people you rally against, all the rich rucks that make our lives worse every day are counting on it. Divide and conquer. Exactly what you're doing.

Look for the stuff that brings us TOGETHER. Together, we're powerful.
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Active Member
When will you figure out that it is both repubs and Dems screwing the pooch. You are acting as if your way is the only way. You are just as closed minded as any conservative. It's not about the left or the right. Most of this county is usually somewhere in the middle. I think that every one should be independent. Political parties only divide.


Well-Known Member
When will you figure out that it is both repubs and Dems screwing the pooch. You are acting as if your way is the only way. You are just as closed minded as any conservative. It's not about the left or the right. Most of this county is usually somewhere in the middle. I think that every one should be independent. Political parties only divide.
Aint that the truth


New Member
When will you figure out that it is both repubs and Dems screwing the pooch. You are acting as if your way is the only way. You are just as closed minded as any conservative. It's not about the left or the right. Most of this county is usually somewhere in the middle. I think that every one should be independent. Political parties only divide.
That's why a 2 party system doesn't seem to work unless you want more of the same. It's very odd to see Americans talk about them like they are so different, from over here they all look the same. People screwing over the American people for their buddies.


Well-Known Member
medi ive watched you post on here for the last several years and i respect you but as far as politics goes, liberals suffer from a psychological illness. Your points have been proven wrong time and time again and when it gets to the point where you are proven wrong as a fact you simply insist your point. FUCK LIBERALS/SOCIALIST/DEMOCRATS they are synonomous... :)


Well-Known Member
uhhh, not by a long shot, genius. :dunce:

being a pro choice, pro gay marriage conservationist who wants drug laws reformed does not entail the belief of state owned means of production.

haha, fail.

i lol'ed :hump:


Well-Known Member
uhhh, not by a long shot, genius. :dunce:

being a pro choice, pro gay marriage conservationist who wants drug laws reformed does not entail the belief of state owned means of production.

haha, fail.

i lol'ed :hump:
Pro choice......conservationist- what kind of hypocritical bullshit is that?


New Member
Skins or shirts, people are all too happy to pick sides and label. I wonder how many registered Rep or Dems have ever actually voted for something other than a party? There are certain to be some but I think most people have given up on thinking. It's like Coke ~vs~ Pepsi, both filled with sweet talk and bad for you.


Well-Known Member
I have never been able to figure out people who proclaim to be a single party and vote only for that party...regardless of which side it is. People in this country treat politics like football. "Look at that, MY side won!" WTF!? Anyway, both parties are messed up. Both are led by special interest, unions on one side and corps on the other. Both are spending us into oblivion. I cannot think of a single person in DC that actually deserves to be there...they were elected based purely on D or R.

As for issues, I have always voted my conscience. It seems like a lot of people do that here, hence the passage of 215 and the like.
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Undercover Mod
Politics are a dog and pony show. The conservatives run on platforms that have nothing to do with helping the people, Except the top 2%.

The problem with Liberals is that they wish to help everyone no matter what the cost.

If we could combine fiscal responsibly with good public policy we could end this era of hate and misappropriated hate.

Every side paints the other side as money hungry nazis and it is tearing the Union apart.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I'm following, but I don't think everyone has to follow ideological absolutes. For instance: I'm pro choice and pro gay marriage, but I definately fall under the category of fiscally conservative. I don't think it's hypocritical, there is just not an straight party option for it. And when it comes down to it, you are forced to make a choice and vote based on the lesser of 2 evils and what is the priority at the time. Today, the priority is the economy and the social issues can wait. And in reality, abortion will never be illegal in the entire country and within the next decade gay marriage will eventually be legal. Conservative politicians fight these things when they are inevitable and it's dumb, but within my lifetime those issues will be off the table much like civil rights (major) back in the day. So today, I vote to get the house and senate back in check, but it doesn't mean I'm an asshole in regards to those other issues.


New Member
I guess I should have been more specific in the OP. As the man said, I have some conservative Ideals myself. But what I meant was: Fuck the pretenders, you know those "conservatives" that are eager to conserve on someone elses dime, while feathering their own nests with great expenditures of public funding. Example; "conservatives" railed against stopping the Bush tax cuts for the rich, while professing to want to lower the deficit, a complete oxymoron if ever there were. Those most puritanical harbingers of cut funding to someone else, but don't touch my dinero, Basically I shoulds have called them as they are, nuevo libertarian assholes. Those "conservative" dickwads that are all about cutting social programs so them and their rich friends can rathole more money, (Take out of circulation) to pass along to thier already spoiled rotten offspring. Money is nothing more than barter material. Holding on to large chunks does no-one any good but the retards that keep it out of circulation. If money were allowed to circulate in a somewhat controlled environment, (Progressive Taxation), There would be a lot less need for wars and the Fuckwads that start them. I don't have a degree in economics, so I can't propose the specifics of how a perfect system would work, but I do know this. The Capitalist system is not working for the people, only the capitalists. With the trend continuing to favor the rich and make more and more poor, while disolving the middle class, it cannot survive. Just as communism, socialism, Nazism, and all the other forms of Government/monetary policys have failed, so goes Capitalism. Without a serious overhaul, the Capitalist system is headed for the rocks. If I didn't know that the poor and middle class would get the worst of it, I would probably be estatic. We can not sustain a country where wealth is built by wealth and there are no jobs for the rest of the country. Money making money is just wrong, and that is the gist of capitalism.