fu#king scarey shit went down

The Stig

Well-Known Member
wow this earthquake did a lot of damage.. :-(

but I'm glad you and your family are ok, I really wish you the best

it get's crazy out there after such an earthquake but please stay safe... and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Best Wishes to you man...........hope you are all safe and getting food water and survival stuff as you need it.


Well-Known Member
man thats crazy! stay safe and remember to make good decisions in scary situations. at my house, we have a bunch of big jugs of water and a whole trashcan filled with food in the backyard for exactly that reason. we do live in southern california though haha


Well-Known Member
the sound of an earthquake, it begins just before it happens, kinda like either a gigantically ginormous truck going by, both underground and above or a mountainsize giant, both again so big as to be both way underground and above, just bellowing like crazy. a long humongously huge moan thats almost like a scream but way too deep.

and then the shaking starts and you dont really notice anything else. just hang on lol