Fruit flies in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I'm currently about 6 weeks into flowering. And around the initiation into flowering I started to notice little fruit flies flying around. I doubt theyre very harmless unless theyre taking huge shits all over my buds in that case that would be no fun... But I was wondering what my best choice would be in getting rid of the current problem. Its not infested, its just more annoying because theyre really small and not too easy to kill. Fly trap best decision?


Well-Known Member
I just went through that. Got in all my houseplants and 3 MJ plants. I put in the Hot Shot pest strips which did not work ~ one used it as a ladder. I read they're dirt fungi, they live mostly in the top couple inches of dirt and to protect plants and kill bugs, use dishsoap. I really bathed all plants in soap (see pix) and continually spray the top with soap water. I also put dishes of soap water in the cabs to catch them when they dry out and go for water. Even the most expensive dirt can come with these. I read to bake dirt at 200 for 30 minutes and after this last mess, my dirt is laying out in my 115 degree backyard now. Good luck with those.

