

Ok, well they're calling for a low of 3 celsius tonight which is about 37 farenheight ...

With a risk of frost ...

What should I do? Pull 'em? .... Try and bag 'em? or just let them ride it out as its supposed to climb back up to about 70 tomorrow.



Active Member
how big are they? how healthy? if its a nice healthy good size plant i would leave it, it will probably survive thats just my opinion but it really is a personal call


Active Member
Mine were strong and healthy last year when it got down to 32 to 34 for a couple days before harvest with no problems. It was very moist and foggy out as well. Had no issues. But that was just my experience. Good Luck


Active Member
Leave 'em. I've got the same sized plants outside right now and it went down to 3 celcius last night and one night last week. They're doing fine. Slowed down a bit, but certainly not damaged at all.