From My 2 Hour Experience I Have Concluded That

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I love ya but sorry gotta say this

who wears short shorts? U wear short shorts, nice legs muffin :)
I do a lot of running and.. in the gay world? Those are waaaay too long.

awww.. shucks. ::blush:: kick a rock. Thank ya ma'am. :p

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne Seca, shocked? could you please answer me?
Why would I be shocked? There are several people on here that live in the four corners area. Did you by chance compete in the Shiprock Marathon a couple of weeks ago? I did.

I don't know, never timed it. I usually take 371 down to Crownpoint or Gallup where most of my dad's relatives are.